Fleming-Neon is a city in Letcher County, Kentucky, United States. The city was established by the Elkhorn Coal Corporation which moved in to the area in 1913. Fleming was the location of the mine and named for its first president George W. Fleming. A city named Chip existed near the community that became Fleming and it was quickly built up and served as a trading center for the nearby coal towns. The train that hauled the coal out of Fleming would make stops in Neon and it is an accepted legend by locals that a man on the train would yell instructions to people climbing on board the train saying "Knee On" This was soon changed to Neon and replaced the name Chip. In 1977 the two towns merged becoming Fleming-Neon. The population was 840 at the 2000 census.

Criminal Appeals Law Lawyers In Neon Kentucky


What is criminal appeals law?

A criminal appeal is a formal request to rehear a case that has already been decided -- a request that a new court reconsider the decision of the first court. When one or both sides of a case that has already been decided think there was a mistake made at trial, they can file an appeal. An appeal is entirely different than a jury trial. There is no testimony taken. The court of appeals decides the case entirely upon the written briefs filed by your attorney and the offie of the Attorney General who represents the prosecution and asks that the conviction be upheld.

Answers to criminal appeals law issues in Kentucky

After conviction and sentencing, a defendant has the opportunity to file an appeal of his sentence. If the conviction...