Tuckerman is a city in Jackson County, Arkansas, USA. The population was 1,757 at the 2000 census. The current mayor of Tuckerman is Everett King. Each year on the second weekend of May, Tuckerman hosts Hometown Days, a festival for the town and fundraiser for the Tuckerman Fire Department. Tuckerman is also the home of ASWF Wrestling and the Valiant Arena. Valiant Arena is named after WWE Hall of Famer Handsome Jimmy Valiant. Jackson County Young Democrats also make their home in Tuckerman, Arkansas. A Democratic organization with members up to the age of until thirty-six years of age. The current Executive Board for Jackson County Young Democrats is: Timothy Richmond-President, Erica Black-Vice President of Publicity, Lucas Roley-Vice President of Membership Expansion, Cody Jackson-Secretary/ Treasurer. Independent Guerilla Productions is currently shooting a movie entitled "Tuckerman" and most of it will be filmed here.

Criminal Appeals Law Lawyers In Tuckerman Arkansas


What is criminal appeals law?

A criminal appeal is a formal request to rehear a case that has already been decided -- a request that a new court reconsider the decision of the first court. When one or both sides of a case that has already been decided think there was a mistake made at trial, they can file an appeal. An appeal is entirely different than a jury trial. There is no testimony taken. The court of appeals decides the case entirely upon the written briefs filed by your attorney and the offie of the Attorney General who represents the prosecution and asks that the conviction be upheld.

Answers to criminal appeals law issues in Arkansas

After conviction and sentencing, a defendant has the opportunity to file an appeal of his sentence. If the conviction...