Menlo is a small unincorporated community in the Willapa Valley of Pacific County, Washington, United States. It was settled in 1851 as a donation land claim. Menlo was named Menlo Park in 1893 when the Northern Pacific Railway line was laid down through the Willapa Valley. It was shortened to just Menlo when the sign was cut in half. Menlo today is home to a general store and post office, the Pacific County Fairgrounds and a secondary/high school — Willapa Valley High School.

Banking And Finance Law Lawyers In Menlo Washington


What is banking and finance law?

Banking & Finance Law involves individuals and businesses in transactions with federal and state-chartered financial institutions -- including issues related to bank accounts, negotiable instruments, loans, interest rates, regulatory compliance, taxes, and more. Banking and finance law applies to those individuals and institutions that lend or borrow money. Lenders typically include banks, leasing companies, finance companies and other financial institutions. Borrowers are individuals, corporations, institutions or the government.