Pomfret is a small crossroads in Charles County, Maryland. Maurice J. McDonough High School is nearby and has a Pomfret mailing address. The active historic Catholic church established by Father George Hunter, S.J. in 1763 is located in Pomfret. The current structure dates from 1849. Mother Catherine Spalding was a native of Pomfret, according to a brass plaque inside the front entrance to St. Joseph's. In 2009 a new fire department was built in the community.

Banking And Finance Law Lawyers In Pomfret Maryland


What is banking and finance law?

Banking & Finance Law involves individuals and businesses in transactions with federal and state-chartered financial institutions -- including issues related to bank accounts, negotiable instruments, loans, interest rates, regulatory compliance, taxes, and more. Banking and finance law applies to those individuals and institutions that lend or borrow money. Lenders typically include banks, leasing companies, finance companies and other financial institutions. Borrowers are individuals, corporations, institutions or the government.

Federal court opinions concerning banking and finance law in Maryland