Fontana is a city in south central Miami County, Kansas, United States. The population was 149 at the 2000 census, and had increased to 217 by 2008.. The name Fontana comes from the French word fontaine, meaning fountain or a spring-like water source. It was given to the small city because it was known as a place with good, clear drinking water. Fontana's history as a community dates back to the early 1800s, however incorporation did not occur until 1889..

Banking And Finance Law Lawyers In Fontana Kansas


What is banking and finance law?

Banking & Finance Law involves individuals and businesses in transactions with federal and state-chartered financial institutions -- including issues related to bank accounts, negotiable instruments, loans, interest rates, regulatory compliance, taxes, and more. Banking and finance law applies to those individuals and institutions that lend or borrow money. Lenders typically include banks, leasing companies, finance companies and other financial institutions. Borrowers are individuals, corporations, institutions or the government.