Eva is an unincorporated community in Benton County, Tennessee, United States, on the western shore of the Kentucky Lake impoundment of the Tennessee River. It is the site of Nathan Bedford Forrest State Park. Although not a census-designated place, the ZIP Code Tabulation Area for the ZIP code (38333) that serves Eva had a population of 574 as of the 2000 U.S. Census. Eva is centered around the junction of State Route 191, which connects the community to Nathan Bedford Forrest State Park to the north and the town of Camden to the south, and Eva Beach Road, which stretches from the center of the community to its beach along Kentucky Lake. According to local lore, Eva was named after a friend of the daughter of Benton County land speculator A.W. Lucas. In 1913, Lucas donated land for a church and school that became the core of the community. In 1940, before the Tennessee River was dammed to form Kentucky Lake, University of Tennessee archaeologists excavated a rich archaeological site at Eva, containing the remains of a series of prehistoric Native American encampments dating from the Archaic Period. The earliest remains at the site, with a radiocarbon date of 5,200 B.C. , contained artifacts from a group of hunting and gathering people who were named the Eva culture after the site, which is now under the water of the reservoir.

Administrative Law Lawyers In Eva Tennessee


What is administrative law?

Administrative Law involves compliance with and challenges to rules, regulations, and orders of local, state, and federal government departments. Administrative law attorneys may represent clients before agencies like the workers compensation appeals boards, school board disciplinary hearings and federal agencies like the Federal Communications Commission. Administrative attorneys help negotiate the bureaucracy when interacting with the government to do things as varied as receiving a license or permit or preparing and presenting a defense to disciplinary or enforcement actions.

Answers to administrative law issues in Tennessee

Administrative law is law made by or about the executive branch agencies, departments, the President (at the federal...

The Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 made significant changes to the Informants Reward Program under the False...