Hermantown is a city in St. Louis County, Minnesota, USA. The population was 7,448 at the 2000 census. A suburb of Duluth, Minnesota, it has been the only city in the county to report population growth as much of the area's residential and commercial expansion occurs there. Hermantown is located on the tip of Lake Superior. The eastern section of the city has an appearance typical of a lower-density bedroom community, with large, leafy lots and occasional subdivisions. The car-oriented "mall area" Miller Trunk Corridor of Duluth has sprawled well past the border into this part of Hermantown. The western part is dominated by a more rural landscape, reminiscent of the past agricultural focus of the city. Hermantown's motto is "The City of Quality Living ". One of Hermantown's more interesting features is the proliferation of "Jackson Homes" on certain roads. These single-family dwellings were built during the Great Depression as subsistence homesteads. Many today retain their original brick appearance, albeit with additions. Hermantown's current mayor is Wayne Boucher, who won a 2008 election against opponent Susie Stockinger.

Administrative Law Lawyers In Herman Minnesota


What is administrative law?

Administrative Law involves compliance with and challenges to rules, regulations, and orders of local, state, and federal government departments. Administrative law attorneys may represent clients before agencies like the workers compensation appeals boards, school board disciplinary hearings and federal agencies like the Federal Communications Commission. Administrative attorneys help negotiate the bureaucracy when interacting with the government to do things as varied as receiving a license or permit or preparing and presenting a defense to disciplinary or enforcement actions.

Answers to administrative law issues in Minnesota

Administrative law is law made by or about the executive branch agencies, departments, the President (at the federal...

The Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 made significant changes to the Informants Reward Program under the False...