Springville was a small town that existed from 1798-1811 in Clark County, Indiana, United States. It was named for the springs in the area that provided a good fresh water supply. A Frenchman had established a trading post at the site in 1799, Indians called it Tullytown due to the prominent trader Charles Tully (pronounced two-lay). It laid where four Indian trails connected, two of which went to what is now present-day Detroit and Cincinnati. At its peak it had 100 residents. When Clark County was established, Springville was named the county seat on April 7, 1801 creating the first court in the county. On June 9, 1802 the county seat was moved to Jeffersonville, starting the demise of Springville. A simple grid of streets, four north-south and three east-west, named for trees, divided Springville. Among the trades represented in the village were blacksmithing, distillery, a doctor, hattery, surveying, and a wheelwright. In 1808 Charlestown was established a mile northeast of Springville, and was seen as a preferable town to live in as Springville was considered decadent, due to how Indians would become drunk after trading at Springville. Also, there were several disputes about ownership in the town that went for eight years and spawned several court trials. Springville could not handle the competition for residents with Charlestown and by 1812 was no more. Nothing but a historical marker marks where it was today. Jonathan Jennings made whiskey and had a mill at Springville during his brief residence. Even through the village hasn't existed since 1811, websites still offer to find places of business near Springville, as if it still exists where it was located two hundred years ago. Three separate farms contain the land which was once Springfield. There are Springvilles still in existence in LaPorte County and Lawrence County in Indiana, although both have fewer residents than Clark County's at its peak.

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What is administrative law?

Administrative Law involves compliance with and challenges to rules, regulations, and orders of local, state, and federal government departments. Administrative law attorneys may represent clients before agencies like the workers compensation appeals boards, school board disciplinary hearings and federal agencies like the Federal Communications Commission. Administrative attorneys help negotiate the bureaucracy when interacting with the government to do things as varied as receiving a license or permit or preparing and presenting a defense to disciplinary or enforcement actions.

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