10 USC 9621 - Subsistence and other supplies: members of armed forces; veterans; executive or military departments and employees; prices

(a) The Secretary of the Air Force shall procure and sell, for cash or credit
(1) articles designated by him, to members of the Air Force; and
(2) items of individual clothing and equipment, to officers of the Air Force, under such restrictions as the Secretary may prescribe.

An account of sales on credit shall be kept and the amount due reported to the Secretary. Except for articles and items acquired through the use of working capital funds under section 2208 of this title, sales of articles shall be at cost, and sales of individual clothing and equipment shall be at average current prices, including overhead, as determined by the Secretary.

(b) The Secretary shall sell subsistence supplies to members of other armed forces at the prices at which like property is sold to members of the Air Force.

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(c) The Secretary may sell serviceable quartermaster property, other than subsistence supplies, to an officer of another armed force for his use in the service, in the same manner as these articles are sold to an officer of the Air Force.
(d) A person who has been discharged honorably or under honorable conditions from the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps and who is receiving care and medical treatment from the Public Health Service or the Department of Veterans Affairs may buy subsistence supplies and other supplies, except articles of uniform, at the prices at which like property is sold to a member of the Air Force.
(e) Under such conditions as the Secretary may prescribe, exterior articles of uniform may be sold to a person who has been discharged from the Air Force honorably or under honorable conditions, at the prices at which like articles are sold to members of the Air Force. This subsection does not modify section 772 or 773 of this title.
(f) Whenever, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary, subsistence supplies are furnished to any organization of the Air Force or sold to employees of any executive department other than the Department of Defense, payment shall be made in cash or by commercial credit.
(g) The Secretary may, by regulation, provide for the procurement and sale of stores designated by him to such civilian officers and employees of the United States, and such other persons, as he considers proper
(1) at military installations outside the United States; and
(2) at military installations inside the United States where he determines that it is impracticable for those civilian officers, employees, and persons to obtain those stores from private agencies without impairing the efficient operation of military activities.

However, sales to those officers and employees inside the United States may be made only to those residing within military installations.

(h) Appropriations for subsistence of the Air Force may be applied to the purchase of subsistence supplies for sale to members of the Air Force on active duty for the use of themselves and their families.

10 USC 9622 - Rations: commissioned officers in field

Commissioned officers of the Air Force serving in the field may buy rations for their own use, on credit. Amounts due for these purchases shall be reported monthly to the Secretary of the Air Force.

10 USC 9623 - Repealed. Pub. L. 105261, div. A, title III, 366(a), Oct. 17, 1998, 112 Stat. 1987]

Section, act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 580, related to sale of tobacco by Air Force to enlisted members.

10 USC 9624 - Medical supplies: civilian employees of the Air Force; American National Red Cross; Armed Forces Retirement Home

(a) Under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Air Force, a civilian employee of the Department of the Air Force who is stationed at an air base may buy necessary medical supplies from the Air Force when they are prescribed by a medical officer on active duty.
(b) The Secretary may sell medical supplies to the American National Red Cross for cash.
(c) The Secretary may sell medical and hospital supplies to the Armed Forces Retirement Home.

10 USC 9625 - Ordnance property: officers of armed forces; civilian employees of Air Force; American National Red Cross; educational institutions; homes for veterans orphans

(a) The Secretary of the Air Force may sell articles of ordnance property to officers of other armed forces for their use in the service, in the same manner as these articles are sold to officers of the Air Force.
(b) Under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe, ordnance stores may be sold to civilian employees of the Air Force and to the American National Red Cross.
(c) Articles of ordnance property may be sold to educational institutions and to State soldiers and sailors orphans homes for maintaining the ordnance and ordnance stores issued to those institutions and homes.

10 USC 9626 - Aircraft supplies and services: foreign military or other state aircraft

(a) Provision of Supplies and Services on Reimbursable Basis.— 

(1) The Secretary of the Air Force may, under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe and when in the best interests of the United States, provide any of the supplies or services described in paragraph (2) to military and other state aircraft of a foreign country, on a reimbursable basis without an advance of funds, if similar supplies and services are furnished on a like basis to military aircraft and other state aircraft of the United States by the foreign country concerned.
(2) The supplies and services described in this paragraph are supplies and services as follows:
(A) Routine airport services, including landing and takeoff assistance, servicing aircraft with fuel, use of runways, parking and servicing, and loading and unloading of baggage and cargo.
(B) Miscellaneous supplies, including Air Force-owned fuel, provisions, spare parts, and general stores, but not including ammunition.
(b) Provision of Routine Airport Services on Non-Reimbursable Basis.— 

(1) Routine airport services may be provided under this section at no cost to a foreign country
(A) if such services are provided by Air Force personnel and equipment without direct cost to the Air Force; or
(B) if such services are provided under an agreement with the foreign country that provides for the reciprocal furnishing by the foreign country of routine airport services, as defined in that agreement, to military and other state aircraft of the United States without reimbursement.
(2) If routine airport services are provided under this section by a working-capital fund activity of the Air Force under section 2208 of this title and such activity is not reimbursed directly for the costs incurred by the activity in providing such services by reason of paragraph (1)(B), the working-capital fund activity shall be reimbursed for such costs out of funds currently available to the Air Force for operation and maintenance.

10 USC 9627 - Supplies: educational institutions

Under such regulations as the Secretary of the Air Force may prescribe, supplies and military publications procured for the Air Force may be sold to any educational institution to which an officer of the Air Force is detailed as professor of air science and tactics, for the use of its military students. Sales under this section shall be for cash.

10 USC 9628 - Airplane parts and accessories: civilian flying schools

The Secretary of the Air Force may sell, to civilian flying schools at which personnel of the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army are receiving flight training under contracts requiring these schools to maintain and repair airplanes of the Air Force furnished to them for flight training, the spare parts and accessories needed for those repairs.

10 USC 9629 - Proceeds: disposition

The proceeds of sales of the following shall be paid into the Treasury to the credit of the appropriation out of which they were purchased, and are available for the purposes of that appropriation:
(1) Exterior articles of uniform sold under section 9621 of this title.
(2) Supplies, war material, and military publications sold to educational institutions under section 9627 of this title.
(3) Fuel, oil, other supplies, and services sold under section 9626 of this title.