10 USC 2208 - Working-capital funds

(a) To control and account more effectively for the cost of programs and work performed in the Department of Defense, the Secretary of Defense may require the establishment of working-capital funds in the Department of Defense to
(1) finance inventories of such supplies as he may designate; and
(2) provide working capital for such industrial-type activities, and such commercial-type activities that provide common services within or among departments and agencies of the Department of Defense, as he may designate.
(b) Upon the request of the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Treasury shall establish working-capital funds established under this section on the books of the Department of the Treasury.

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(c) Working-capital funds shall be charged, when appropriate, with the cost of
(1) supplies that are procured or otherwise acquired, manufactured, repaired, issued, or used; and
(2) services or work performed;

including applicable administrative expenses, and be reimbursed from available appropriations or otherwise credited for those costs, including applicable administrative expenses and costs of using equipment.

(d) The Secretary of Defense may provide capital for working-capital funds by capitalizing inventories. In addition, such amounts may be appropriated for the purpose of providing capital for working-capital funds as have been specifically authorized by law.
(e) Subject to the authority and direction of the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of each military department shall allocate responsibility for its functions, powers, and duties to accomplish the most economical and efficient organization and operation of the activities, and the most economical and efficient use of the inventories, for which working-capital funds are authorized by this section.
(f) The requisitioning agency may not incur a cost for supplies drawn from inventories, or services or work performed by industrial-type or commercial-type activities for which working-capital funds may be established under this section, that is more than the amount of appropriations or other funds available for those purposes.
(g) The appraised value of supplies returned to working-capital funds by a department, activity, or agency may be charged to that fund. The proceeds thereof shall be credited to current applicable appropriations and are available for expenditure for the same purposes that those appropriations are so available. Credits may not be made to appropriations under this subsection as the result of capitalization of inventories under subsection (d).
(h) The Secretary of Defense shall prescribe regulations governing the operation of activities and use of inventories authorized by this section. The regulations may, if the needs of the Department of Defense require it and it is otherwise authorized by law, authorize supplies to be sold to, or services to be rendered or work performed for, persons outside the Department of Defense. However, supplies available in inventories financed by working capital funds established under this section may be sold to contractors for use in performing contracts with the Department of Defense. Working-capital funds shall be reimbursed for supplies so sold, services so rendered, or work so performed by charges to applicable appropriations or payments received in cash.
(i) For provisions relating to sales outside the Department of Defense of manufactured articles and services by a working-capital funded Army industrial facility (including a Department of the Army arsenal) that manufactures large caliber cannons, gun mounts, recoil mechanisms, ammunition, munitions, or components thereof, see section 4543 of this title.

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(1) The Secretary of a military department may authorize a working capital funded industrial facility of that department to manufacture or remanufacture articles and sell these articles, as well as manufacturing, remanufacturing, and engineering services provided by such facilities, to persons outside the Department of Defense if
(A) the person purchasing the article or service is fulfilling a Department of Defense contract or a subcontract under a Department of Defense contract, and the solicitation for the contract or subcontract is open to competition between Department of Defense activities and private firms; or
(B) the Secretary would advance the objectives set forth in section 2474 (b)(2) of this title by authorizing the facility to do so.
(2) The Secretary of Defense may waive the conditions in paragraph (1) in the case of a particular sale if the Secretary determines that the waiver is necessary for reasons of national security and notifies Congress regarding the reasons for the waiver.
(1) Subject to paragraph (2), a contract for the procurement of a capital asset financed by a working-capital fund may be awarded in advance of the availability of funds in the working-capital fund for the procurement.
(2) Paragraph (1) applies to any of the following capital assets that have a development or acquisition cost of not less than $100,000:
(A) An unspecified minor military construction project under section 2805 (c)(1) of this title.
(B) Automatic data processing equipment or software.
(C) Any other equipment.
(D) Any other capital improvement.
(1) An advance billing of a customer of a working-capital fund may be made if the Secretary of the military department concerned submits to Congress written notification of the advance billing within 30 days after the end of the month in which the advanced billing was made. The notification shall include the following:
(A) The reasons for the advance billing.
(B) An analysis of the effects of the advance billing on military readiness.
(C) An analysis of the effects of the advance billing on the customer.
(2) The Secretary of Defense may waive the notification requirements of paragraph (1)
(A) during a period of war or national emergency; or
(B) to the extent that the Secretary determines necessary to support a contingency operation.
(3) The total amount of the advance billings rendered or imposed for all working-capital funds of the Department of Defense in a fiscal year may not exceed $1,000,000,000.
(4) In this subsection:
(A) The term advance billing, with respect to a working-capital fund, means a billing of a customer by the fund, or a requirement for a customer to reimburse or otherwise credit the fund, for the cost of goods or services provided (or for other expenses incurred) on behalf of the customer that is rendered or imposed before the customer receives the goods or before the services have been performed.
(B) The term customer means a requisitioning component or agency.
(m) Capital Asset Subaccounts.— 
Amounts charged for depreciation of capital assets shall be credited to a separate capital asset subaccount established within a working-capital fund.
(n) Separate Accounting, Reporting, and Auditing of Funds and Activities.— 
The Secretary of Defense, with respect to the working-capital funds of each Defense Agency, and the Secretary of each military department, with respect to the working-capital funds of the military department, shall provide for separate accounting, reporting, and auditing of funds and activities managed through the working-capital funds.
(o) Charges for Goods and Services Provided Through the Fund.— 

(1) Charges for goods and services provided for an activity through a working-capital fund shall include the following:
(A) Amounts necessary to recover the full costs of the goods and services provided for that activity.
(B) Amounts for depreciation of capital assets, set in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
(2) Charges for goods and services provided through a working-capital fund may not include the following:
(A) Amounts necessary to recover the costs of a military construction project (as defined in section 2801 (b) of this title), other than a minor construction project financed by the fund pursuant to section 2805 (c)(1) of this title.
(B) Amounts necessary to cover costs incurred in connection with the closure or realignment of a military installation.
(C) Amounts necessary to recover the costs of functions designated by the Secretary of Defense as mission critical, such as ammunition handling safety, and amounts for ancillary tasks not directly related to the mission of the function or activity managed through the fund.
(p) Procedures For Accumulation of Funds.— 
The Secretary of Defense, with respect to each working-capital fund of a Defense Agency, and the Secretary of a military department, with respect to each working-capital fund of the military department, shall establish billing procedures to ensure that the balance in that working-capital fund does not exceed the amount necessary to provide for the working-capital requirements of that fund, as determined by the Secretary.
(q) Annual Reports and Budget.— 
The Secretary of Defense, with respect to each working-capital fund of a Defense Agency, and the Secretary of each military department, with respect to each working-capital fund of the military department, shall annually submit to Congress, at the same time that the President submits the budget under section 1105 of title 31, the following:
(1) A detailed report that contains a statement of all receipts and disbursements of the fund (including such a statement for each subaccount of the fund) for the fiscal year ending in the year preceding the year in which the budget is submitted.
(2) A detailed proposed budget for the operation of the fund for the fiscal year for which the budget is submitted.
(3) A comparison of the amounts actually expended for the operation of the fund for the fiscal year referred to in paragraph (1) with the amount proposed for the operation of the fund for that fiscal year in the Presidents budget.
(4) A report on the capital asset subaccount of the fund that contains the following information:
(A) The opening balance of the subaccount as of the beginning of the fiscal year in which the report is submitted.
(B) The estimated amounts to be credited to the subaccount in the fiscal year in which the report is submitted.
(C) The estimated amounts of outlays to be paid out of the subaccount in the fiscal year in which the report is submitted.
(D) The estimated balance of the subaccount at the end of the fiscal year in which the report is submitted.
(E) A statement of how much of the estimated balance at the end of the fiscal year in which the report is submitted will be needed to pay outlays in the immediately following fiscal year that are in excess of the amount to be credited to the subaccount in the immediately following fiscal year.
(r) Notification of Transfers.— 

(1) Notwithstanding any authority provided in this section to transfer funds, the transfer of funds from a working-capital fund, including a transfer to another working-capital fund, shall not be made under such authority unless the Secretary of Defense submits, in advance, a notification of the proposed transfer to the congressional defense committees in accordance with customary procedures.
(2) The amount of a transfer covered by a notification under paragraph (1) that is made in a fiscal year does not count toward any limitation on the total amount of transfers that may be made for that fiscal year under authority provided to the Secretary of Defense in a law authorizing appropriations for a fiscal year for military activities of the Department of Defense or a law making appropriations for the Department of Defense.