50 USC 415a - Specificity of National Intelligence Program budget amounts for counterterrorism, counterproliferation, counternarcotics, and counterintelligence

(a) In general 
The budget justification materials submitted to Congress in support of the budget of the President for a fiscal year that is submitted to Congress under section 1105 (a) of title 31 shall set forth separately the aggregate amount requested for that fiscal year for the National Intelligence Program for each of the following:
(1) Counterterrorism.
(2) Counterproliferation.
(3) Counternarcotics.

view counter
(4) Counterintelligence.
(b) Election of classified or unclassified form 
Amounts set forth under subsection (a) of this section may be set forth in unclassified form or classified form, at the election of the Director of Central Intelligence.