22 USC 5961a - Requirement for on-site managers

(a) On-site manager requirement 
Before obligating any defense nuclear nonproliferation funds for a project described in subsection (b) of this section, the Secretary of Energy shall appoint one on-site manager for that project. The manager shall be appointed from among employees of the Federal Government.
(b) Projects covered 
Subsection (a) of this section applies to a project
(1) to be located in a state of the former Soviet Union;
(2) which involves dismantlement, destruction, or storage facilities, or construction of a facility; and

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(3) with respect to which the total contribution by the Department of Energy is expected to exceed $50,000,000.
(c) Duties of on-site manager 
The on-site manager appointed under subsection (a) of this section shall
(1) develop, in cooperation with representatives from governments of countries participating in the project, a list of those steps or activities critical to achieving the projects disarmament or nonproliferation goals;
(2) establish a schedule for completing those steps or activities;
(3) meet with all participants to seek assurances that those steps or activities are being completed on schedule; and
(4) suspend United States participation in a project when a non-United States participant fails to complete a scheduled step or activity on time, unless directed by the Secretary of Energy to resume United States participation.
(d) Authority to manage more than one project 

(1) Subject to paragraph (2), an employee of the Federal Government may serve as on-site manager for more than one project, including projects at different locations.
(2) If such an employee serves as on-site manager for more than one project in a fiscal year, the total cost of the projects for that fiscal year may not exceed $150,000,000.
(e) Steps or activities 
Steps or activities referred to in subsection (c)(1) of this section are those activities that, if not completed, will prevent a project from achieving its disarmament or nonproliferation goals, including, at a minimum, the following:

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(1) Identification and acquisition of permits (as defined in subsection (g) of this section).
(2) Verification that the items, substances, or capabilities to be dismantled, secured, or otherwise modified are available for dismantlement, securing, or modification.
(3) Timely provision of financial, personnel, management, transportation, and other resources.
(f) Notification to Congress 
In any case in which the Secretary of Energy directs an on-site manager to resume United States participation in a project under subsection (c)(4) of this section, the Secretary shall concurrently notify Congress of such direction.
(g) Permit defined 
In this section, the term permit means any local or national permit for development, general construction, environmental, land use, or other purposes that is required in the state of the former Soviet Union in which the project is being or is proposed to be carried out.
(h) Effective date 
This section shall take effect six months after November 24, 2003.