22 USC 2708 - Department of State rewards program

(a) Establishment 

(1) In general 
There is established a program for the payment of rewards to carry out the purposes of this section.
(2) Purpose 
The rewards program shall be designed to assist in the prevention of acts of international terrorism, international narcotics trafficking, and other related criminal acts.
(3) Implementation 
The rewards program shall be administered by the Secretary of State, in consultation, as appropriate, with the Attorney General.

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(b) Rewards authorized 
In the sole discretion of the Secretary (except as provided in subsection (c)(2) of this section) and in consultation, as appropriate, with the Attorney General, the Secretary may pay a reward to any individual who furnishes information leading to
(1) the arrest or conviction in any country of any individual for the commission of an act of international terrorism against a United States person or United States property;
(2) the arrest or conviction in any country of any individual conspiring or attempting to commit an act of international terrorism against a United States person or United States property;
(3) the arrest or conviction in any country of any individual for committing, primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, any narcotics-related offense if that offense involves or is a significant part of conduct that involves
(A) a violation of United States narcotics laws such that the individual would be a major violator of such laws;
(B) the killing or kidnapping of
(i) any officer, employee, or contract employee of the United States Government while such individual is engaged in official duties, or on account of that individuals official duties, in connection with the enforcement of United States narcotics laws or the implementing of United States narcotics control objectives; or
(ii) a member of the immediate family of any such individual on account of that individuals official duties, in connection with the enforcement of United States narcotics laws or the implementing of United States narcotics control objectives; or
(C) an attempt or conspiracy to commit any act described in subparagraph (A) or (B);
(4) the arrest or conviction in any country of any individual aiding or abetting in the commission of an act described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3);

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(5) the prevention, frustration, or favorable resolution of an act described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3), including by dismantling an organization in whole or significant part;
(6) the identification or location of an individual who holds a key leadership position in a terrorist organization; or
(7) the disruption of financial mechanisms of a foreign terrorist organization, including the use by the organization of illicit narcotics production or international narcotics trafficking
(A) to finance acts of international terrorism; or
(B) to sustain or support any terrorist organization.
(c) Coordination 

(1) Procedures 
To ensure that the payment of rewards pursuant to this section does not duplicate or interfere with the payment of informants or the obtaining of evidence or information, as authorized to the Department of Justice, the offering, administration, and payment of rewards under this section, including procedures for
(A) identifying individuals, organizations, and offenses with respect to which rewards will be offered;
(B) the publication of rewards;
(C) the offering of joint rewards with foreign governments;
(D) the receipt and analysis of data; and
(E) the payment and approval of payment,

shall be governed by procedures developed by the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Attorney General.

(2) Prior approval of Attorney General required 
Before making a reward under this section in a matter over which there is Federal criminal jurisdiction, the Secretary of State shall obtain the concurrence of the Attorney General.
(d) Funding 

(1) Authorization of appropriations 
Notwithstanding section 102 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1986 and 1987 (Public Law 9993; 99 Stat. 408), but subject to paragraph (2), there are authorized to be appropriated to the Department of State from time to time such amounts as may be necessary to carry out this section.
(2) Period of availability 
Amounts appropriated under paragraph (1) shall remain available until expended.
(e) Limitations and certification 

(1) Maximum amount 
No reward paid under this section may exceed $25,000,000, except as personally authorized by the Secretary of State if he determines that offer or payment of an award of a larger amount is necessary to combat terrorism or defend the Nation against terrorist acts. Without first making such determination, the Secretary may authorize a reward of up to twice the amount specified in this paragraph for the capture or information leading to the capture of a leader of a foreign terrorist organization.
(2) Approval 
A reward under this section of more than $100,000 may not be made without the approval of the Secretary.
(3) Certification for payment 
Any reward granted under this section shall be approved and certified for payment by the Secretary.
(4) Nondelegation of authority 
The authority to approve rewards of more than $100,000 set forth in paragraph (2) may not be delegated.
(5) Protection measures 
If the Secretary determines that the identity of the recipient of a reward or of the members of the recipients immediate family must be protected, the Secretary may take such measures in connection with the payment of the reward as he considers necessary to effect such protection.
(6) Forms of reward payment 
The Secretary may make a reward under this section in the form of money, a nonmonetary item (including such items as automotive vehicles), or a combination thereof.
(f) Ineligibility 
An officer or employee of any entity of Federal, State, or local government or of a foreign government who, while in the performance of his or her official duties, furnishes information described in subsection (b) of this section shall not be eligible for a reward under this section.
(g) Reports 

(1) Reports on payment of rewards 
Not later than 30 days after the payment of any reward under this section, the Secretary shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees with respect to such reward. The report, which may be submitted in classified form if necessary, shall specify the amount of the reward paid, to whom the reward was paid, and the acts with respect to which the reward was paid. The report shall also discuss the significance of the information for which the reward was paid in dealing with those acts.
(2) Annual reports 
Not later than 60 days after the end of each fiscal year, the Secretary shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees with respect to the operation of the rewards program. The report shall provide information on the total amounts expended during the fiscal year ending in that year to carry out this section, including amounts expended to publicize the availability of rewards.
(h) Publication regarding rewards offered by foreign governments 
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, in the sole discretion of the Secretary, the resources of the rewards program shall be available for the publication of rewards offered by foreign governments regarding acts of international terrorism which do not involve United States persons or property or a violation of the narcotics laws of the United States.
(i) Media surveys and advertisements 

(1) Surveys conducted 
For the purpose of more effectively disseminating information about the rewards program, the Secretary may use the resources of the rewards program to conduct media surveys, including analyses of media markets, means of communication, and levels of literacy, in countries determined by the Secretary to be associated with acts of international terrorism.
(2) Creation and purchase of advertisements 
The Secretary may use the resources of the rewards program to create advertisements to disseminate information about the rewards program. The Secretary may base the content of such advertisements on the findings of the surveys conducted under paragraph (1). The Secretary may purchase radio or television time, newspaper space, or make use of any other means of advertisement, as appropriate.
(j) Determinations of Secretary 
A determination made by the Secretary under this section shall be final and conclusive and shall not be subject to judicial review.
(k) Definitions 
As used in this section:
(1) Act of international terrorism 
The term act of international terrorism includes
(A) any act substantially contributing to the acquisition of unsafeguarded special nuclear material (as defined in paragraph (8) of section 6305 of this title) or any nuclear explosive device (as defined in paragraph (4) of that section) by an individual, group, or non-nuclear-weapon state (as defined in paragraph (5) of that section); and
(B) any act, as determined by the Secretary, which materially supports the conduct of international terrorism, including the counterfeiting of United States currency or the illegal use of other monetary instruments by an individual, group, or country supporting international terrorism as determined for purposes of section 2405 (j)(1)(A) of title 50, Appendix.
(2) Appropriate congressional committees 
The term appropriate congressional committees means the Committee on International Relations of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate.
(3) Member of the immediate family 
The term member of the immediate family, with respect to an individual, includes
(A) a spouse, parent, brother, sister, or child of the individual;
(B) a person with respect to whom the individual stands in loco parentis; and
(C) any person not covered by subparagraph (A) or (B) who is living in the individuals household and is related to the individual by blood or marriage.
(4) Rewards program 
The term rewards program means the program established in subsection (a)(1) of this section.
(5) United States narcotics laws 
The term United States narcotics laws means the laws of the United States for the prevention and control of illicit trafficking in controlled substances (as such term is defined in section 802 (6) of title 21).
(6) United States person 
The term United States person means
(A) a citizen or national of the United States; and
(B) an alien lawfully present in the United States.