22 USC 2684a - Capital Investment Fund

(a) Establishment 
There is established within the Department of State a Capital Investment Fund to provide for the procurement and enhancement of information technology and other related capital investments for the Department of State and to ensure the efficient management, coordination, operation, and utilization of such resources.
(b) Funding 
Funds otherwise available for the purposes of subsection (a) of this section may be deposited in such Fund.
(c) Availability 
Amounts deposited into the Fund shall remain available until expended.
(d) Expenditures from Fund 
Amounts deposited in the Fund shall be available for purposes of subsection (a) of this section.

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(e) Reprogramming procedures 
Funds credited to the Capital Investment Fund shall not be available for obligation or expenditure except in compliance with the procedures applicable to reprogramming notifications under section 2706 of this title.