22 USC 2431i - Board

(a) Enterprise for the Americas Board 
The Enterprise for the Americas Board established under section 1738i (a) of title 7 shall, in addition to carrying out the responsibilities of the Board under section 1738i (c) of title 7, carry out the duties described in subsection (c) of this section for the purposes of this subchapter.
(b) Additional membership 

(1) In general 
The Enterprise for the Americas Board shall be composed of an additional four members appointed by the President as follows:
(A) Two representatives from the United States Government, including a representative of the International Forestry Division of the United States Forest Service.

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(B) Two representatives from private nongovernmental environmental, scientific, forestry, or academic organizations with experience and expertise in preservation, maintenance, sustainable uses, and restoration of tropical forests.
(2) Chairperson 
Notwithstanding section 1738i (b)(2) of title 7, the Enterprise for the Americas Board shall be headed by a chairperson who shall be appointed by the President and shall be the representative from the Department of State appointed under section 1738i (b)(1)(A) of title 7.
(c) Duties 
The duties described in this subsection are as follows:
(1) Advise the Secretary of State on the negotiations of Tropical Forest Agreements.
(2) Ensure, in consultation with
(A) the government of the beneficiary country;
(B) nongovernmental organizations of the beneficiary country;
(C) nongovernmental organizations of the region (if appropriate);
(D) environmental, scientific, forestry, and academic leaders of the beneficiary country; and
(E) environmental, scientific, forestry, and academic leaders of the region (as appropriate),

that a suitable administering body is identified for each Fund.

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(3) Review the programs, operations, and fiscal audits of each administering body.