22 USC 2349bb2 - Transit interdiction

(a) Allocation of funds 
In providing assistance under this part, the President shall ensure that, beginning in fiscal year 2007, not less than one-quarter of the total of such assistance is obligated for the purpose of enhancing the capabilities of friendly countries to detect and interdict proliferation-related shipments of cargo to non-State actors and States of proliferation concern.
(b) Priority to certain countries 
Priority shall be given in the apportionment of the assistance described under subsection (a) of this section to any friendly country that has been determined by the Secretary of State to be a country frequently transited by proliferation-related shipments of cargo.
(c) Cooperative agreements 
In order to promote cooperation regarding the interdiction of weapons of mass destruction and related materials and delivery systems, the President is authorized to conclude agreements, including reciprocal maritime agreements, with other countries to facilitate effective measures to prevent the transportation of such items to non-state actors and states of proliferation concern.
(d) Determination and notice to Congress 
The Secretary of State shall notify the Committee on International Relations of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate in writing not more than 30 days after making a determination that any friendly country has been determined to be a country eligible for priority consideration of any assistance under subsection (a). Such determination shall set forth the reasons for such determination, and may be submitted in classified and unclassified form, as necessary.