22 USC 2292q - African famine assistance

(a) Authorization of assistance 
The President is authorized to provide assistance for famine relief, rehabilitation, and recovery in Africa. Assistance under this section shall be provided for humanitarian purposes and shall be provided on a grant basis. Such assistance shall include
(1) relief, rehabilitation, and recovery projects to benefit the poorest people, including the furnishing of seeds for planting, fertilizer, pesticides, farm implements, farm animals and vaccine and veterinary services to protect livestock upon which people depend, blankets, clothing, and shelter, disease prevention and health care projects, water projects (including water purification and well-drilling), small-scale agricultural projects, and food protection and preservation projects; and
(2) projects to meet emergency health needs, including vaccinations.
(b) Uses of funds 

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(1) Private and voluntary organizations and international organizations 
Funds authorized to be appropriated by this section shall be used primarily for grants to private and voluntary organizations and international organizations.
(2) Emergency health projects 
A significant portion of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this section shall be used for emergency health projects pursuant to subsection (a)(2) of this section.
(3) Management support activities 
Of the amount authorized to be appropriated by this section, $2,500,000 shall be transferred to the Operating Expenses of the Agency for International Development account. These funds shall be used for management support activities associated with the planning, monitoring, and supervision of emergency food and disaster assistance provided in those countries in Africa described in section 5(a) of the African Famine Relief and Recovery Act of 1985.
(c) Authorization of appropriations 
In addition to the amounts otherwise available for such purpose, there are authorized to be appropriated $137,500,000 for the fiscal year 1985 for use in providing assistance under this section.
(d) Policies and authorities to be applied 
Assistance under this section shall be furnished in accordance with the policies and general authorities contained in section 2292 of this title.