2 USC 130h - Support services for House during emergency; memorandum of understanding with an executive agency

(a) Authorization 
Notwithstanding any other provision of law
(1) subject to subsection (b) of this section, the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives and the head of an executive agency (as defined in section 105 of title 5) may enter into a memorandum of understanding under which the agency may provide facilities, equipment, supplies, personnel, and other support services for the use of the House of Representatives during an emergency situation; and
(2) the Chief Administrative Officer and the head of the agency may take any action necessary to carry out the terms of the memorandum of understanding.
(b) Approval of Speaker required 
The Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives may not enter into a memorandum of understanding described in subsection (a)(1) of this section without the approval of the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

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(c) Applicability 
This section shall apply with respect to fiscal year 2002 and each succeeding fiscal year.