16 USC 941f - Reports

(a) In general 
Not later than December 31, 2011, the Director shall submit to the Committee on Resources of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate a report that describes
(1) actions taken to solicit and review proposals under section 941c of this title;
(2) the results of proposals implemented under section 941c of this title; and
(3) progress toward the accomplishment of the goals specified in section 941d of this title.

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(b) Public access to data 
For each of fiscal years 2007 through 2012, the Director shall make available through a public access website of the Department information that describes
(1) actions taken to solicit and review proposals under section 941c of this title;
(2) the results of proposals implemented under section 941c of this title;
(3) progress toward the accomplishment of the goals specified in section 941d of this title;
(4) the priorities proposed for funding in the annual budget process under this chapter; and
(5) actions taken in support of the recommendations of the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration authorized under Executive Order 13340 (69 Fed. Reg. 29043; relating to the Great Lakes Interagency Task Force).
(c) Report 
Not later than June 30, 2007, the Director shall submit to the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate and the Committee on Resources of the House of Representatives the 2002 report required under this section as in effect on the day before October 11, 2006.