Definitions from Black's Law Dictionary: 2nd Edition and Ballentine's Law Dictionary as are available for each term in each dictionary.
  • Ballentine's Law Dictionary

    An article abandoned by a thief in flight. See 36 ' N. J. L. 235.

  • Black's Law Dictionary: 2nd Edition

    Waifs are goods found, but claimed by nobody; that of which every one waives the claim. Also, goods stolen and waived or thrown away by the thief In his flight, for fear of being apprehended. Wharton. Waifs are to be distinguished from bona fugitiva, which are the goods of the felon himself, which he abandons in his flight from justice. Brown. See Pcople v. Kaatz, 3 Parker, Cr. R. (N. Y.) 138; Hall v. Gilder-sleeve, 36 N. J. Law, 237.