Part IX - Nonproliferation and Export Control Assistance

22 USC 2349bb - Purposes

The purposes of assistance under this part are to halt the proliferation of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, and conventional weaponry, through support of activities designed
(1) to enhance the nonproliferation and export control capabilities of friendly countries by providing training and equipment to detect, deter, monitor, interdict, and counter proliferation;
(2) to strengthen the bilateral ties of the United States with friendly governments by offering concrete assistance in this area of vital national security interest;
(3) to accomplish the activities and objectives set forth in sections 5853 and 5854 of this title, without regard to the limitation of those sections to the independent states of the former Soviet Union; and
(4) to promote multilateral activities, including cooperation with international organizations, relating to nonproliferation.

22 USC 2349bb1 - Authorization of assistance

Notwithstanding any other provision of law (other than section 2304 or section 2371 of this title), the President is authorized to furnish, on such terms and conditions as the President may determine, assistance in order to carry out the purposes of this part. Such assistance may include training services and the provision of funds, equipment, and other commodities related to the detection, deterrence, monitoring, interdiction, and prevention or countering of proliferation, the establishment of effective nonproliferation laws and regulations, and the apprehension of those individuals involved in acts of proliferation of such weapons.

22 USC 2349bb2 - Transit interdiction

(a) Allocation of funds 
In providing assistance under this part, the President shall ensure that, beginning in fiscal year 2007, not less than one-quarter of the total of such assistance is obligated for the purpose of enhancing the capabilities of friendly countries to detect and interdict proliferation-related shipments of cargo to non-State actors and States of proliferation concern.
(b) Priority to certain countries 
Priority shall be given in the apportionment of the assistance described under subsection (a) of this section to any friendly country that has been determined by the Secretary of State to be a country frequently transited by proliferation-related shipments of cargo.
(c) Cooperative agreements 
In order to promote cooperation regarding the interdiction of weapons of mass destruction and related materials and delivery systems, the President is authorized to conclude agreements, including reciprocal maritime agreements, with other countries to facilitate effective measures to prevent the transportation of such items to non-state actors and states of proliferation concern.
(d) Determination and notice to Congress 
The Secretary of State shall notify the Committee on International Relations of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate in writing not more than 30 days after making a determination that any friendly country has been determined to be a country eligible for priority consideration of any assistance under subsection (a). Such determination shall set forth the reasons for such determination, and may be submitted in classified and unclassified form, as necessary.

22 USC 2349bb2a - International nonproliferation export control training

(a) General authority 
The President is authorized to furnish, on such terms and conditions consistent with this part (but whenever feasible on a reimbursable basis), education and training to appropriate military and civilian personnel of foreign countries for the purpose of enhancing the nonproliferation and export control capabilities of such personnel through their attendance in special courses of instruction conducted by the United States.
(b) Administration of courses 
The Secretary of State shall have overall responsibility for the development and conduct of international nonproliferation education and training programs under this section, and may utilize other departments and agencies of the United States, as appropriate, to recommend personnel for the education and training and to administer specific courses of instruction.
(c) Purposes 
Education and training activities conducted under this section shall be
(1) of a technical nature, emphasizing techniques for detecting, deterring, monitoring, interdicting, and countering proliferation;
(2) designed to encourage effective and mutually beneficial relations and increased understanding between the United States and friendly countries; and
(3) designed to improve the ability of friendly countries to utilize their resources with maximum effectiveness, thereby contributing to greater self-reliance by such countries.
(d) Priority to certain countries 
In selecting personnel for education and training pursuant to this section, priority should be given to personnel from countries determined by the Secretary of State to be countries frequently transited by proliferation-related shipments of cargo.

22 USC 2349bb3 - Limitations

The limitations contained in section 2349aa–2 (a) and (d) of this title shall apply to this part.

22 USC 2349bb4 - Authorization of appropriations

(a) Authorization of appropriations 
There are authorized to be appropriated to the President to carry out this part $162,000,000 for fiscal year 2003.
(b) Availability of funds 
Funds made available under subsection (a) of this section may be used notwithstanding any other provision of law (other than section 2304 or 2371 of this title) and shall remain available until expended.
(c) Treatment of appropriations 
Amounts made available by the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2002, under Nonproliferation, Antiterrorism, Demining, and Related Programs and Assistance for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union accounts for the activities described in subsection (d) of this section shall be considered to be made available pursuant to this part.
(d) Covered activities 
The activities referred to in subsection (c) of this section are
(1) assistance under the Nonproliferation and Disarmament Fund;
(2) assistance for science and technology centers in the independent states of the former Soviet Union;
(3) export control assistance; and
(4) export control and border assistance under part XI of subchapter I of this chapter or the FREEDOM Support Act (22 U.S.C. 5801 et seq.).

22 USC 2349bb5 - Proliferation interdiction assistance

Consistent with section 2349bb–2 of this title, the President is authorized to provide assistance to friendly foreign countries for proliferation detection and interdiction activities and for developing complementary capabilities.

22 USC 2349bb6 - Safeguarding and elimination of conventional arms

(a) In general 
The Secretary of State is authorized to secure, remove, or eliminate stocks of man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), small arms and light weapons, stockpiled munitions, abandoned ordnance, and other conventional weapons, including tactical missile systems (hereafter in this section referred to as MANPADS and other conventional weapons), as well as related equipment and facilities, located outside the United States that are determined by the Secretary to pose a proliferation threat.
(b) Elements 
The activities authorized under subsection (a) may include the following:
(1) Humanitarian demining activities.
(2) The elimination or securing of MANPADS.
(3) The elimination or securing of other conventional weapons.
(4) Assistance to countries in the safe handling and proper storage of MANPADS and other conventional weapons.
(5) Cooperative programs with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and other international organizations to assist countries in the safe handling and proper storage or elimination of MANPADS and other conventional weapons.
(6) The utilization of funds for the elimination or safeguarding of MANPADS and other conventional weapons.
(7) Activities to secure and safeguard MANPADS and other conventional weapons.
(8) Actions to ensure that equipment and funds, including security upgrades at locations for the storage or disposition of MANPADS and other conventional weapons and related equipment that are determined by the Secretary of State to pose a proliferation threat, continue to be used for authorized purposes.
(c) Rule of construction 
Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the authorities of the Secretary of Defense.