22 USC 8221 - Strategies, priorities, and annual report

(a) Expansion of country-specific strategies to promote democracy 

(1) Commendation 
Congress commends the Secretary for the ongoing work by the Department to develop country-specific strategies for promoting democracy.
(2) Expansion 
The Secretary shall expand the development of such strategies to all nondemocratic countries and democratic transition countries.
(3) Briefings 
The Secretary shall keep the appropriate congressional committees fully and currently informed as such strategies are developed.

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(b) Omitted 
(c) Enhanced report 
The Annual Report on Advancing Freedom and Democracy shall include, as appropriate
(1) United States priorities for the promotion of democracy and the protection of human rights for each nondemocratic country and democratic transition country, developed in consultation with relevant parties in such countries; and
(2) specific actions and activities of chiefs of missions and other United States officials to promote democracy and protect human rights in each such country.

22 USC 8222 - Translation of human rights reports

(a) In general 
The Secretary shall continue to expand the timely translation of the applicable parts of the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices required under sections 2151n (d) and 2304 (b) of this title, the Annual Report on International Religious Freedom required under section 6412 (b) of this title, the Trafficking in Persons Report required under section 7107 (b) of this title, and any separate report on democracy and human rights policy submitted in accordance with section 665(c) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2003 (Public Law 107228; 22 U.S.C. 2151n note ) into the principal languages of as many countries as possible, with particular emphasis on nondemocratic countries, democratic transition countries, and countries in which extrajudicial killings, torture, or other serious violations of human rights have occurred.
(b) Report 

(1) Requirement 
Not later than April 1, 2008, and annually thereafter through 2010, the Secretary shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report describing any translations of the reports specified in subsection (a) for the preceding year, including which of such reports have been translated into which principal languages and the countries in which such translations have been distributed by posting on a relevant website or elsewhere.
(2) Form 
The report required under paragraph (1) may be included in any separate report on democracy and human rights policy submitted in accordance with section 665(c) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2003.