22 USC 4801 - Findings and purposes

(a) Findings 
The Congress finds and declares that
(1) the United States has a crucial stake in the presence of United States Government personnel representing United States interests abroad;
(2) conditions confronting United States Government personnel and missions abroad are fraught with security concerns which will continue for the foreseeable future; and
(3) the resources now available to counter acts of terrorism and protect and secure United States Government personnel and missions abroad, as well as foreign officials and missions in the United States, are inadequate to meet the mounting threat to such personnel and facilities.

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(b) Purposes 
The purposes of this chapter are
(1) to set forth the responsibility of the Secretary of State with respect to the security of diplomatic operations in the United States and abroad;
(2) to maximize coordination by the Department of State with Federal, State, and local agencies and agencies of foreign governments in order to enhance security programs;
(3) to promote strengthened security measures and to provide for the accountability of United States Government personnel with security-related responsibilities;
(4) to set forth the responsibility of the Secretary of State with respect to the safe and efficient evacuation of United States Government personnel, their dependents, and private United States citizens when their lives are endangered by war, civil unrest, or natural disaster; and
(5) to provide authorization of appropriations for the Department of State to carry out its responsibilities in the area of security and counterterrorism, and in particular to finance the acquisition and improvements of United States Government missions abroad, including real property, buildings, facilities, and communications, information, and security systems.

22 USC 4802 - Responsibility of Secretary of State

(a) Security functions 

(1) The Secretary of State shall develop and implement (in consultation with the heads of other Federal agencies having personnel or missions abroad where appropriate and within the scope of the resources made available) policies and programs, including funding levels and standards, to provide for the security of United States Government operations of a diplomatic nature and foreign government operations of a diplomatic nature in the United States. Such policies and programs shall include
(A) protection of all United States Government personnel on official duty abroad (other than Voice of America correspondents on official assignment and those personnel under the command of a United States area military commander) and their accompanying dependents;
(B) establishment and operation of security functions at all United States Government missions abroad (other than facilities or installations subject to the control of a United States area military commander);
(C) establishment and operation of security functions at all Department of State facilities in the United States; and
(D) protection of foreign missions, international organizations, and foreign officials and other foreign persons in the United States, as authorized by law.
(2) Security responsibilities shall include the following:
(A) Former Office of Security functions 
Functions and responsibilities exercised by the Office of Security, Department of State, before November 11, 1985.
(B) Security and protective operations 

(i) Establishment and operation of post security and protective functions abroad.
(ii) Development and implementation of communications, computer, and information security.
(iii) Emergency planning.
(iv) Establishment and operation of local guard services abroad.
(v) Supervision of the United States Marine Corps security guard program.
(vi) Liaison with American overseas private sector security interests.
(vii) Protection of foreign missions and international organizations, foreign officials, and diplomatic personnel in the United States, as authorized by law.
(viii) Protection of the Secretary of State and other persons designated by the Secretary of State, as authorized by law.
(ix) Physical protection of Department of State facilities, communications, and computer and information systems in the United States.
(x) Conduct of investigations relating to protection of foreign officials and diplomatic personnel and foreign missions in the United States, suitability for employment, employee security, illegal passport and visa issuance or use, and other investigations, as authorized by law.
(xi) Carrying out the rewards program for information concerning international terrorism authorized by section 2708 (a)1 of this title.
(xii) Performance of other security, investigative, and protective matters as authorized by law.
(C) Counterterrorism planning and coordination 
Development and coordination of counterterrorism planning, emergency action planning, threat analysis programs, and liaison with other Federal agencies to carry out this paragraph.
(D) Security technology 
Development and implementation of technical and physical security programs, including security-related construction, radio and personnel security communications, armored vehicles, computer and communications security, and research programs necessary to develop such measures.
(E) Diplomatic courier service 
Management of the diplomatic courier service.
(F) Personnel training 
Development of facilities, methods, and materials to develop and upgrade necessary skills in order to carry out this section.
(G) Foreign government training 
Management and development of antiterrorism assistance programs to assist foreign government security training which are administered by the Department of State under chapter 8 of part II of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2349aa et seq.).
(b) Overseas evacuations 
The Secretary of State shall develop and implement policies and programs to provide for the safe and efficient evacuation of United States Government personnel, dependents, and private United States citizens when their lives are endangered. Such policies shall include measures to identify high risk areas where evacuation may be necessary and, where appropriate, providing staff to United States Government missions abroad to assist in those evacuations. In carrying out these responsibilities, the Secretary shall
(1) develop a model contingency plan for evacuation of personnel, dependents, and United States citizens from foreign countries;
(2) develop a mechanism whereby United States citizens can voluntarily request to be placed on a list in order to be contacted in the event of an evacuation, or which, in the event of an evacuation, can maintain information on the location of United States citizens in high risk areas submitted by their relatives;
(3) assess the transportation and communications resources in the area being evacuated and determine the logistic support needed for the evacuation; and
(4) develop a plan for coordinating communications between embassy staff, Department of State personnel, and families of United States citizens abroad regarding the whereabouts of those citizens.
(c) Oversight of posts abroad 
The Secretary of State shall
(1) have full responsibility for the coordination of all United States Government personnel assigned to diplomatic or consular posts or other United States missions abroad pursuant to United States Government authorization (except for facilities, installations, or personnel under the command of a United States area military commander)[2]
(2) establish appropriate overseas staffing levels for all such posts or missions for all Federal agencies with activities abroad (except for personnel and activities under the command of a United States area military commander or regional inspector general offices under the jurisdiction of the inspector[3] General, Agency for International Development).
(d) Federal agency 
As used in this subchapter and subchapter III of this chapter, the term Federal agency includes any department or agency of the United States Government.
[1] See References in Text note below.
[2] So in original. Probably should be followed by “; and”.
[3] So in original. Probably should be capitalized.

4803, 4804. Repealed. Pub. L. 103236, title I, 162(g)(3), (4), Apr. 30, 1994, 108 Stat. 407

Section 4803, Pub. L. 99–399, title I, § 104(a), Aug. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 856, established Bureau of Diplomatic Security in Department of State. Section 4804, Pub. L. 99–399, title I, § 105, Aug. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 856, set out responsibilities of Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security.

22 USC 4805 - Cooperation of other Federal agencies

(a) Assistance 
In order to facilitate fulfillment of the responsibilities described in section 4802 (a) of this title, other Federal agencies shall cooperate (through agreements) to the maximum extent possible with the Secretary of State. Such agencies may, with or without reimbursement, provide assistance to the Secretary, perform security inspections, provide logistical support relating to the differing missions and facilities of other Federal agencies, and perform other overseas security functions as may be authorized by the Secretary. Specifically, the Secretary may agree to delegate operational control of overseas security functions of other Federal agencies to the heads of such agencies, subject to the Secretarys authority as set forth in section 4802 (a) of this title. The agency head receiving such delegated authority shall be responsible to the Secretary in the exercise of the delegated operational control.
(b) Other agencies 
Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to limit or impair the authority or responsibility of any other Federal, State, or local agency with respect to law enforcement, domestic security operations, or intelligence activities as defined in Executive Order 12333.
(c) Certain lease arrangements 
The Administrator of General Services is authorized to lease (to such extent or in such amounts as are provided in appropriation Acts) such amount of space in the United States as may be necessary for the Department of State to accommodate the personnel required to carry out this subchapter. The Department of State shall pay for such space at the rate established by the Administrator of General Services for space and related services.

22 USC 4806 - Protection of foreign consulates

The Secretary of State shall take into account security considerations in making determinations with respect to accreditation of all foreign consular personnel in the United States.

22 USC 4807 - Establishment of Visa and Passport Security Program in the Department of State

(a) Establishment 
There is established, within the Bureau of Diplomatic Security of the Department of State, the Visa and Passport Security Program (in this section referred to as the Program).
(b) Preparation of strategic plan 

(1) In general 
The Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security, in coordination with the appropriate officials of the Bureau of Consular Affairs, the coordinator for counterterrorism, the National Counterterrorism Center, and the Department of Homeland Security, and consistent with the strategy mandated by section 7201,1 shall ensure the preparation of a strategic plan to target and disrupt individuals and organizations, within the United States and in foreign countries, that are involved in the fraudulent production, distribution, use, or other similar activity
(A) of a United States visa or United States passport;
(B) of documents intended to help fraudulently procure a United States visa or United States passport, or other documents intended to gain unlawful entry into the United States; or
(C) of passports and visas issued by foreign countries intended to gain unlawful entry into the United States.
(2) Emphasis 
The strategic plan shall
(A) focus particular emphasis on individuals and organizations that may have links to domestic terrorist organizations or foreign terrorist organizations (as such term is defined in section 1189 of title 8);
(B) require the development of a strategic training course under the Antiterrorism Assistance Training (ATA) program of the Department of State (or any successor or related program) under chapter 8 of part II of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2349aa et seq.) (or other relevant provisions of law) to train participants in the identification of fraudulent documents and the forensic detection of such documents which may be used to obtain unlawful entry into the United States; and
(C) determine the benefits and costs of providing technical assistance to foreign governments to ensure the security of passports, visas, and related documents and to investigate, arrest, and prosecute individuals who facilitate travel by the creation of false passports and visas, documents to obtain such passports and visas, and other types of travel documents.
(c) Program 

(1) Individual in charge 

(A) Designation 
The Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security shall designate an individual to be in charge of the Program.
(B) Qualification 
The individual designated under subparagraph (A) shall have expertise and experience in the investigation and prosecution of visa and passport fraud.
(2) Program components 
The Program shall include the following:
(A) Analysis of methods 
Analyze, in coordination with other appropriate government agencies, methods used by terrorists to travel internationally, particularly the use of false or altered travel documents to illegally enter foreign countries and the United States, and consult with the Bureau of Consular Affairs and the Secretary of Homeland Security on recommended changes to the visa issuance process that could combat such methods, including the introduction of new technologies into such process.
(B) Identification of individuals and documents 
Identify, in cooperation with the Human Trafficking and Smuggling Center, individuals who facilitate travel by the creation of false passports and visas, documents used to obtain such passports and visas, and other types of travel documents, and ensure that the appropriate agency is notified for further investigation and prosecution or, in the case of such individuals abroad for which no further investigation or prosecution is initiated, ensure that all appropriate information is shared with foreign governments in order to facilitate investigation, arrest, and prosecution of such individuals.
(C) Identification of foreign countries needing assistance 
Identify foreign countries that need technical assistance, such as law reform, administrative reform, prosecutorial training, or assistance to police and other investigative services, to ensure passport, visa, and related document security and to investigate, arrest, and prosecute individuals who facilitate travel by the creation of false passports and visas, documents used to obtain such passports and visas, and other types of travel documents.
(D) Inspection of applications 
Randomly inspect visa and passport applications for accuracy, efficiency, and fraud, especially at high terrorist threat posts, in order to prevent a recurrence of the issuance of visas to those who submit incomplete, fraudulent, or otherwise irregular or incomplete applications.
(d) Report 
Not later than 90 days after the date on which the strategy required under section 72011 is submitted to Congress, the Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security shall submit to Congress a report containing
(1) a description of the strategic plan prepared under subsection (b) of this section; and
(2) an evaluation of the feasibility of establishing civil service positions in field offices of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security to investigate visa and passport fraud, including an evaluation of whether to allow diplomatic security agents to convert to civil service officers to fill such positions.
[1] See References in Text note below.


22 USC 4821 - Diplomatic Security Service

The Secretary of State may establish a Diplomatic Security Service, which shall perform such functions as the Secretary may determine.

22 USC 4822 - Director of Diplomatic Security Service

Any such Diplomatic Security Service should be headed by a Director designated by the Secretary of State. The Director should be a career member of the Senior Foreign Service or the Senior Executive Service and should be qualified for the position by virtue of demonstrated ability in the areas of security, law enforcement, management, and public administration. Experience in management or operations abroad should be considered an affirmative factor in the selection of the Director.

22 USC 4823 - Special agents

Special agent positions shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 (22 U.S.C. 3901 et seq.) and title 5. In filling such positions, the Secretary of State shall actively recruit women and members of minority groups. The Secretary of State shall prescribe the qualifications required for assignment or appointment to such positions. The qualifications may include minimum and maximum entry age restrictions and other physical standards and shall incorporate such standards as may be required by law in order to perform security functions, to bear arms, and to exercise investigatory, warrant, arrest, and such other authorities as are available by law to special agents of the Department of State and the Foreign Service.

22 USC 4824 - Contracting authority

The Secretary of State is authorized to employ individuals or organizations by contract to carry out the purposes of this Act, and individuals employed by contract to perform such services shall not by virtue of such employment be considered to be employees of the United States Government for purposes of any law administered by the Office of Personnel Management (except that the Secretary may determine the applicability to such individuals of any law administered by the Secretary concerning the employment of such individuals); and such contracts are authorized to be negotiated, the terms of the contracts to be prescribed, and the work to be performed, where necessary, without regard to such statutory provisions as relate to the negotiation, making and performance of contracts and performance of work in the United States.


22 USC 4831 - Accountability Review Boards

(a) In general 

(1) Convening a Board 
Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3), in any case of serious injury, loss of life, or significant destruction of property at, or related to, a United States Government mission abroad, and in any case of a serious breach of security involving intelligence activities of a foreign government directed at a United States Government mission abroad, which is covered by the provisions of this chapter (other than a facility or installation subject to the control of a United States area military commander), the Secretary of State shall convene an Accountability Review Board (in this subchapter referred to as the Board). The Secretary shall not convene a Board where the Secretary determines that a case clearly involves only causes unrelated to security.
(2) Department of Defense facilities and personnel 
The Secretary of State is not required to convene a Board in the case of an incident described in paragraph (1) that involves any facility, installation, or personnel of the Department of Defense with respect to which the Secretary has delegated operational control of overseas security functions to the Secretary of Defense pursuant to section 4805 of this title. In any such case, the Secretary of Defense shall conduct an appropriate inquiry. The Secretary of Defense shall report the findings and recommendations of such inquiry, and the action taken with respect to such recommendations, to the Secretary of State and Congress.
(3) Facilities in Afghanistan and Iraq 

(A) Limited exemptions from requirement to convene Board 
The Secretary of State is not required to convene a Board in the case of an incident that
(i) involves serious injury, loss of life, or significant destruction of property at, or related to, a United States Government mission in Afghanistan or Iraq; and
(ii) occurs during the period beginning on October 1, 2005, and ending on September 30, 2009.
(B) Reporting requirements 
In the case of an incident described in subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall
(i) promptly notify the Committee on International Relations of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate of the incident;
(ii) conduct an inquiry of the incident; and
(iii) upon completion of the inquiry required by clause (ii), submit to each such Committee a report on the findings and recommendations related to such inquiry and the actions taken with respect to such recommendations.
(b) Deadlines for convening Boards 

(1) In general 
Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Secretary of State shall convene a Board not later than 60 days after the occurrence of an incident described in subsection (a)(1) of this section, except that such 60-day period may be extended for one additional 60-day period if the Secretary determines that the additional period is necessary for the convening of the Board.
(2) Delay in cases involving intelligence activities 
With respect to breaches of security involving intelligence activities, the Secretary of State may delay the establishment of a Board if, after consultation with the chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate and the chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives, the Secretary determines that the establishment of a Board would compromise intelligence sources or methods. The Secretary shall promptly advise the chairmen of such committees of each determination pursuant to this paragraph to delay the establishment of a Board.
(c) Notification to Congress 
Whenever the Secretary of State convenes a Board, the Secretary shall promptly inform the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives
(1) that a Board has been convened;
(2) of the membership of the Board; and
(3) of other appropriate information about the Board.

22 USC 4832 - Accountability Review Board

(a) Membership 
A Board shall consist of five members, 4 appointed by the Secretary of State, and 1 appointed by the Director of Central Intelligence. The Secretary of State shall designate the Chairperson of the Board. Members of the Board who are not Federal officers or employees shall each be paid at a rate not to exceed the maximum rate of basic pay payable for level GS18 of the General Schedule for each day (including travel time) during which they are engaged in the actual performance of duties vested in the Board. Members of the Board who are Federal officers or employees shall receive no additional pay by reason of such membership.
(b) Facilities, services, supplies, and staff 

(1) Supplied by Department of State 
A Board shall obtain facilities, services, and supplies through the Department of State. All expenses of the Board, including necessary costs of travel, shall be paid by the Department of State. Travel expenses authorized under this paragraph shall be paid in accordance with subchapter I of chapter 57 of title 5 or other applicable law.
(2) Detail 
At the request of a Board, employees of the Department of State or other Federal agencies, members of the Foreign Service, or members of the uniformed services may be temporarily assigned, with or without reimbursement, to assist the Board.
(3) Experts and consultants 
A Board may employ and compensate (in accordance with section 3109 of title 5) such experts and consultants as the Board considers necessary to carry out its functions. Experts and consultants so employed shall be responsible solely to the Board.

22 USC 4833 - Procedures

(a) Evidence 

(1) United States Government personnel and contractors 

(A) With respect to any individual described in subparagraph (B), a Board may
(i) administer oaths and affirmations;
(ii) require that depositions be given and interrogatories answered; and
(iii) require the attendance and presentation of testimony and evidence by such individual.

Failure of any such individual to comply with a request of the Board shall be grounds for disciplinary action by the head of the Federal agency in which such individual is employed or serves, or in the case of a contractor, debarment.

(B) The individuals referred to in subparagraph (A) are
(i) employees as defined by section 2105 of title 5 (including members of the Foreign Service);
(ii) members of the uniformed services as defined by section 101 (3) of title 37;
(iii) employees of instrumentalities of the United States; and
(iv) individuals employed by any person or entity under contract with agencies or instrumentalities of the United States Government to provide services, equipment, or personnel.
(2) Other persons 
With respect to a person who is not described in paragraph (1)(B), a Board may administer oaths and affirmations and require that depositions be given and interrogatories answered.
(3) Subpoenas 

(A) The Board may issue a subpoena for the attendance and testimony of any person (other than a person described in clause (i), (ii), or (iii) of paragraph (1)(B)) and the production of documentary or other evidence from any such person if the Board finds that such a subpoena is necessary in the interests of justice for the development of relevant evidence.
(B) In the case of contumacy or refusal to obey a subpoena issued under this paragraph, a court of the United States within the jurisdiction of which a person is directed to appear or produce information, or within the jurisdiction of which the person is found, resides, or transacts business, may upon application of the Attorney General, issue to such person an order requiring such person to appear before the Board to give testimony or produce information as required by the subpoena.
(C) Subpoenaed witnesses shall be paid the same fee and mileage allowances which are paid subpoenaed witnesses in the courts of the United States.
(b) Confidentiality 
A Board shall adopt for administrative proceedings under this subchapter such procedures with respect to confidentiality as may be deemed necessary, including procedures relating to the conduct of closed proceedings or the submission and use of evidence in camera, to ensure in particular the protection of classified information relating to national defense, foreign policy, or intelligence matters. The Director of Central Intelligence shall establish the level of protection required for intelligence information and for information relating to intelligence personnel, including standards for secure storage.
(c) Records 
Records pertaining to administrative proceedings under this subchapter shall be separated from all other records of the Department of State and shall be maintained under appropriate safeguards to preserve confidentiality and classification of information. Such records shall be prohibited from disclosure to the public until such time as a Board completes its work and is dismissed. The Department of State shall turn over to the Director of Central Intelligence intelligence information and information relating to intelligence personnel which shall then become records of the Central Intelligence Agency. After that time, only such exemptions from disclosure under section 552 (b) of title 5 (relating to freedom of information), as apply to other records of the Department of State, and to any information transmitted under section 4834 (c) of this title to the head of a Federal agency or instrumentality, shall be available for the remaining records of the Board.
(d) Status of Boards 
The provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 App. U.S.C. 1 et seq.) and section 552b of title 5 (relating to open meetings) shall not apply to any Board.

22 USC 4834 - Findings and recommendations by a Board

(a) Findings 
A Board convened in any case shall examine the facts and circumstances surrounding the serious injury, loss of life, or significant destruction of property at or related to a United States Government mission abroad or surrounding the serious breach of security involving intelligence activities of a foreign government directed at a United States Government mission abroad (as the case may be) and shall make written findings determining
(1) the extent to which the incident or incidents with respect to which the Board was convened was security related;
(2) whether the security systems and security procedures at that mission were adequate;
(3) whether the security systems and security procedures were properly implemented;
(4) the impact of intelligence and information availability; and
(5) such other facts and circumstances which may be relevant to the appropriate security management of United States missions abroad.
(b) Program recommendations 
A Board shall submit its findings (which may be classified to the extent deemed necessary by the Board) to the Secretary of State, together with recommendations as appropriate to improve the security and efficiency of any program or operation which the Board has reviewed.
(c) Personnel recommendations 
Whenever a Board finds reasonable cause to believe that an individual described in section 4833 (a)(1)(B) of this title has breached the duty of that individual, the Board shall
(1) notify the individual concerned,
(2) transmit the finding of reasonable cause, together with all information relevant to such finding, to the head of the appropriate Federal agency or instrumentality, and
(3) recommend that such agency or instrumentality initiate an appropriate investigatory or disciplinary action.

In determining whether an individual has breached a duty of that individual, the Board shall take into account any standard of conduct, law, rule, regulation, contract, or order which is pertinent to the performance of the duties of that individual.

(d) Reports 

(1) Program recommendations 
In any case in which a Board transmits recommendations to the Secretary of State under subsection (b) of this section, the Secretary shall, not later than 90 days after the receipt of such recommendations, submit a report to the Congress on each such recommendation and the action taken with respect to that recommendation.
(2) Personnel recommendations 
In any case in which a Board transmits a finding of reasonable cause under subsection (c) of this section, the head of the Federal agency or instrumentality receiving the information shall review the evidence and recommendations and shall, not later than 30 days after the receipt of that finding, transmit to the Congress a report specifying
(A) the nature of the case and a summary of the evidence transmitted by the Board; and
(B) the decision by the Federal agency or instrumentality to take disciplinary or other appropriate action against that individual or the reasons for deciding not to take disciplinary or other action with respect to that individual.

22 USC 4835 - Relation to other proceedings

Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to create administrative or judicial review remedies or rights of action not otherwise available by law, nor shall any provision of this subchapter be construed to deprive any person of any right or legal defense which would otherwise be available to that person under any law, rule, or regulation.


22 USC 4851 - Authorization

(a) Diplomatic security program 

(1) In general 
In addition to amounts otherwise available for such purposes, the following amounts are authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years 1986 and 1987, for the Department of State to carry out diplomatic security construction, acquisition, and operations pursuant to the Department of States Supplemental Diplomatic Security Program, as justified to the Congress for the respective fiscal year for Administration of Foreign Affairs, as follows:
(A) For Salaries and Expenses, $308,104,000.
(B) For Acquisition and Maintenance of Buildings Abroad, $857,806,000.
(C) For Counterterrorism Research and Development, $15,000,000.
(2) Omitted 
(3) Repealed. Pub. L. 103–236, title I, § 101(c), Apr. 30, 1994, 108 Stat. 388 
(4) Allocation of amounts authorized to be appropriated 
Amounts authorized to be appropriated by this subsection, and by the amendment made by paragraph (2), shall be allocated as provided in the table entitled Diplomatic Security Program relating to this section which appears in the Joint Explanatory Statement of the Committee of Conference to accompany H.R. 4151 of the 99th Congress (the Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986).
(b) Notification to authorizing Committees of requests for appropriations 
In any fiscal year, whenever the Secretary of State submits to the Congress a request for appropriations to carry out the program described in subsection (a) of this section, the Secretary shall notify the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate of such request, together with a justification of each item listed in such request.
(c) Repealed. Pub. L. 103–236, title I, § 122(b), Apr. 30, 1994, 108 Stat. 392 
(d) Prohibition on reallocations of authorizations 
Section 2696 (d) of this title shall not apply with respect to any amounts authorized to be appropriated under this section.
(e) Security requirements of other foreign affairs agencies 
Based solely on security requirements and within the total amount of funds available for security, the Secretary of State shall ensure that an equitable level of funding is provided for the security requirements of other foreign affairs agencies.
(f) Insufficiency of funds 
In the event that sufficient funds are not available in any fiscal year for all of the diplomatic security construction, acquisition, and operations pursuant to the Department of States Supplemental Diplomatic Security Program, as justified to the Congress for such fiscal year, the Secretary of State shall report to the Congress the effect that the insufficiency of funds will have with respect to the Department of State and each of the other foreign affairs agencies.
(g) Allocation of funds for certain security programs 
Of the amount of funds authorized to be appropriated by subsection (a)(1)(A) of this section, $34,537,000 shall be available to the Secretary of State only for the protection of classified office equipment, the expansion of information systems security, and the hiring of American systems managers and operators for computers at high threat locations.
(h) Furniture, furnishings, and equipment 

(1) Use of existing furniture, furnishings, and equipment 
If physically possible, facilities constructed or acquired pursuant to subsection (a) of this section shall be furnished and equipped with the furniture, furnishings, and equipment that were being used in the facilities being replaced, rather than with newly acquired furniture, furnishings, and equipment.
(2) Omitted 
(3) Repealed. Pub. L. 103–236, title I, § 122(b), Apr. 30, 1994, 108 Stat. 392 

22 USC 4852 - Diplomatic construction program

(a) Preference for United States contractors 
Notwithstanding section 302 of this title, and where adequate competition exists, only United States persons and qualified United States joint venture persons may
(1) bid on a diplomatic construction or design project which has an estimated total project value exceeding $10,000,000; and
(2) bid on a diplomatic construction or design project which involves technical security, unless the project involves low-level technology, as determined by the Secretary of State.
(b) Exception 
Subsection (a) of this section shall not apply with respect to any diplomatic construction or design project in a foreign country whose statutes prohibit the use of United States contractors on such projects. The exception contained in this subsection shall only become effective with respect to a foreign country 30 days after the Secretary of State certifies to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate what specific actions he has taken to urge such foreign country to permit the use of United States contractors on such projects, and what actions he shall take with respect to that country as authorized by title II of the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 (22 U.S.C. 4301 et seq.; commonly referred to as the Foreign Missions Act).
(c) Definitions 
For the purposes of this section
(1) the term adequate competition means with respect to a construction or design project, the presence of two or more qualified bidders submitting responsive bids for that project;
(2) the term United States person means a person which
(A) is incorporated or legally organized under the laws of the United States, including State, the District of Columbia, and local laws;
(B) has its principal place of business in the United States;
(C) has been incorporated or legally organized in the United States
(i) for more than 5 years before the issuance date of the invitation for bids or request for proposals with respect to a construction project under subsection (a)(1) of this section; and
(ii) for more than 2 years before the issuance date of the invitation for bids or request for proposals with respect to a construction or design project which involves physical or technical security under subsection (a)(2) of this section;
(D) has performed within the United States or at a United States diplomatic or consular establishment abroad administrative and technical, professional, or construction services similar in complexity, type of construction, and value to the project being bid;
(E) with respect to a construction project under subsection (a)(1) of this section, has achieved total business volume equal to or greater than the value of the project being bid in 3 years of the 5-year period before the date specified in subparagraph (C)(i);
(i) employs United States citizens in at least 80 percent of its principal management positions in the United States,
(ii) employs United States citizens in more than half of its permanent, full-time positions in the United States, and
(iii) will employ United States citizens in at least 80 percent of the supervisory positions on the foreign buildings office project site; and
(G) has the existing technical and financial resources in the United States to perform the contract; and
(3) the term qualified United States joint venture person means a joint venture in which a United States person or persons owns at least 51 percent of the assets of the joint venture.
(d) American minority contractors 
Not less than 10 percent of the amount appropriated pursuant to section 4851 (a) of this title for diplomatic construction or design projects each fiscal year shall be allocated to the extent practicable for contracts with American minority contractors.
(e) American small business contractors 
Not less than 10 percent of the amount appropriated pursuant to section 4851 (a) of this title for diplomatic construction or design projects each fiscal year shall be allocated to the extent practicable for contracts with American small business contractors.
(f) Limitation on subcontracting 
With respect to a diplomatic construction project, a prime contractor may not subcontract more than 50 percent of the total value of its contract for that project.

22 USC 4853 - Security requirements for contractors

Not later than 90 days after August 27, 1986, the Secretary of State shall issue regulations to
(1) strengthen the security procedures applicable to contractors and subcontractors involved in any way with any diplomatic construction or design project; and
(2) permit a contractor or subcontractor to have access to any design or blueprint relating to such a project only in accordance with those procedures.

22 USC 4854 - Qualifications of persons hired for diplomatic construction program

In carrying out the diplomatic construction program referred to in section 4851 (a) of this title, the Secretary of State shall employ as professional staff (by appointment, contract, or otherwise) only those persons with a demonstrated specialized background in the fields of construction, construction law, or contract management. In filling such positions, the Secretary shall actively recruit women and members of minority groups.

22 USC 4855 - Cost overruns

Any amount required to complete any capital project described in the Department of States Supplemental Diplomatic Security Program, as justified to the Congress for the respective fiscal year, which is in excess of the amount made available for that project pursuant to section 4851 (a)(1) or (3)1 shall be treated as a reprogramming of funds under section 2706 of this title and shall not be available for obligation or expenditure except in compliance with the procedures applicable to such reprogrammings.
[1] See References in Text note below.

22 USC 4856 - Efficiency in contracting

(a) Bonuses and penalties 
The Director of the Office of Foreign Buildings shall provide for a contract system of bonuses and penalties for the diplomatic construction program funded pursuant to the authorizations of appropriations provided in this subchapter. Not later than 3 months after August 27, 1986, the Director shall submit a report to the Congress on the implementation of this section.
(b) Surety bonds and guarantees 
The Director of the Office of Foreign Buildings shall require each person awarded a contract for work under the diplomatic construction program to post a surety bond or guarantee, in such amount as the Director may determine, to assure performance under such contract.

22 USC 4857 - Advisory Panel on Overseas Security

Not later than 90 days after August 27, 1986, the Secretary of State shall submit a report to the Congress on the implementation of the 91 recommendations contained in the final report of the Advisory Panel on Overseas Security. If any such recommendation has been rejected, the Secretary shall provide the reasons why that recommendation was rejected.

22 USC 4858 - Training to improve perimeter security at United States diplomatic missions abroad

(a) Training 
It is the sense of Congress that the President should use the authority under chapter 8 of title II of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 [22 U.S.C. 2349aa et seq.] (relating to antiterrorism assistance) to improve perimeter security of United States diplomatic missions abroad.
(b) Repealed. Pub. L. 103–236, title I, § 139(20), Apr. 30, 1994, 108 Stat. 398; Pub. L. 103–415, § 1(c), Oct. 25, 1994, 108 Stat. 4299 

22 USC 4859 - Protection of public entrances of United States diplomatic missions abroad

The Secretary of State shall install and maintain a walk-through metal detector or other advanced screening system at public entrances of each United States diplomatic mission abroad.

22 USC 4860 - Reimbursement of Department of the Treasury

The Secretary of State shall reimburse the appropriate appropriations account of the Department of the Treasury out of funds appropriated pursuant to section 4851 (a)(1) of this title for the actual costs incurred by the United States Secret Service, as agreed to by the Secretary of the Treasury, for providing protection for the spouses of foreign heads of state during fiscal years 1986 and 1987.

22 USC 4861 - Inspector General for Department of State

(a) Direction to establish 
The Congress directs the Secretary of State to proceed immediately to establish an Office of Inspector General of the Department of State not later than October 1, 1986. Not later than January 31, 1987, the Secretary of State shall submit a report to the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives on the progress in establishing that office. Such report shall include an accounting of the obligation of funds for fiscal year 1987 for that office.
(b) Duties and responsibilities 
The Inspector General of the Department of State (as established by the amendment made by section 150(a) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1986 and 1987) is authorized to perform all duties and responsibilities, and to exercise the authorities, stated in section 3929 of this title and in the Inspector General Act of 1978.
(c) Earmark 
Of the amounts made available for fiscal year 1987 for salaries and expenses under the heading Administration of Foreign Affairs, not less than $6,500,000 shall be used for the sole purpose of establishing and maintaining the Office of Inspector General of the Department of State.
(d) Limitation on appointment 
No career member of the Foreign Service, as defined by section 3903 of this title, may be appointed Inspector General of the Department of State.

22 USC 4862 - Prohibition on use of funds for facilities in Israel, Jerusalem, or West Bank

None of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act may be obligated or expended for site acquisition, development, or construction of any facility in Israel, Jerusalem, or the West Bank.

22 USC 4863 - Use of cleared personnel to ensure secure maintenance and repair of diplomatic facilities abroad

(a) Policies and regulations 
The Secretary of State shall develop and implement policies and regulations to provide for the use of persons who have been granted an appropriate United States security clearance to ensure that the security of areas intended for the storage of classified materials or the conduct of classified activities in a United States diplomatic mission or consular post abroad is not compromised in the performance of maintenance and repair services in those areas.
(b) Study and report 
The Secretary of State shall conduct a study of the feasibility and necessity of requiring that, in the case of certain United States diplomatic facilities abroad, no contractor shall be hired to perform maintenance or repair services in an area intended for the storage of classified materials or the conduct of classified activities unless such contractor has been granted an appropriate United States security clearance. Such study shall include, but is not limited to, United States facilities located in Cairo, New Delhi, Riyadh, and Tokyo. Not later than 180 days after February 16, 1990, the Secretary of State shall report the results of such study to the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives.

22 USC 4864 - Increased participation of United States contractors in local guard contracts abroad under diplomatic security program

(a) Findings 
The Congress makes the following findings:
(1) State Department policy concerning the advertising of security contracts at Foreign Service buildings has been inconsistent over the years. In many cases, diplomatic and consular posts abroad have been given the responsibility to determine the manner in which the private sector was notified concerning an invitation for bids or a request for proposals with respect to a local guard contract. Some United States foreign missions have only chosen to advertise locally the availability of a local security guard contract abroad.
(2) As a result, many United States security firms that provide local guard services abroad have been unaware that local guard contracts were available for bidding abroad and such firms have been disadvantaged as a result.
(3) Undoubtedly, United States security firms would be interested in bidding on more local guard contracts abroad if such firms knew of the opportunity to bid on such contracts.
(b) Objective 
It is the objective of this section to improve the efficiency of the local guard programs abroad administered by the Bureau of Diplomatic Security of the Department of State and to ensure maximum competition for local guard contracts abroad concerning Foreign Service buildings.
(c) Participation of United States contractors in local guard contracts abroad 
With respect to local guard contracts for a Foreign Service building which exceed $250,000 and are entered into after February 16, 1990, the Secretary of State shall
(1) establish procedures to ensure that all solicitations for such contracts are adequately advertised in the Commerce and Business Daily;
(2) absent compelling reasons, award such contracts through the competitive process;
(3) in evaluating proposals for such contracts, award contracts to the technically acceptable firm offering the lowest evaluated price, except that proposals of United States persons and qualified United States joint venture persons (as defined in subsection (d) of this section) shall be evaluated by reducing the bid price by 10 percent;
(4) in countries where contract denomination and/or payment in local currencies constitutes a barrier to competition by United States firms
(A) allow solicitations to be bid in United States dollars; and
(B) allow contracts awarded to United States firms to be paid in United States dollars;
(5) ensure that United States diplomatic and consular posts assist United States firms in obtaining local licenses and permits; and
(6) establish procedures to ensure that appropriate measures are taken by diplomatic and consular post management to assure that United States persons and qualified United States joint venture persons are not disadvantaged during the solicitation and bid evaluation process.
(d) Definitions 
For the purposes of this section
(1) the term United States person means a person which
(A) is incorporated or legally organized under the laws of the United States, including the laws of any State, locality, or the District of Columbia;
(B) has its principal place of business in the United States;
(C) has been incorporated or legally organized in the United States for more than 2 years before the issuance date of the invitation for bids or request for proposals with respect to the contract under subsection (c) of this section;
(D) has performed within the United States or overseas security services similar in complexity to the contract being bid;
(E) with respect to the contract under subsection (c) of this section, has achieved a total business volume equal to or greater than the value of the project being bid in 3 years of the 5-year period before the date specified in subparagraph (C);
(i) employs United States citizens in at least 80 percent of its principal management positions in the United States; and
(ii) employs United States citizens in more than half of its permanent, full-time positions in the United States; and
(G) has the existing technical and financial resources in the United States to perform the contract;
(2) the term qualified United States joint venture person means a joint venture in which a United States person or persons owns at least 51 percent of the assets of the joint venture;
(3) the term Foreign Service building means any building or grounds of the United States which is in a foreign country and is under the jurisdiction and control of the Secretary of State, including residences of United States personnel assigned overseas under the authority of the Ambassador; and
(4) the term barrier to local competition means
(A) conditions of extreme currency volatility;
(B) restrictions on repatriation of profits;
(C) multiple exchange rates which significantly disadvantage United States firms;
(D) government restrictions inhibiting the free convertibility of foreign exchange; or
(E) conditions of extreme local political instability.
(e) United States minority contractors 
Not less than 10 percent of the amount of funds obligated for local guard contracts for Foreign Service buildings subject to subsection (c) of this section shall be allocated to the extent practicable for contracts with United States minority small business contractors.
(f) United States small business contractors 
Not less than 10 percent of the amount of funds obligated for local guard contracts for Foreign Service buildings subject to subsection (c) of this section shall be allocated to the extent practicable for contracts with United States small business contractors.
(g) Limitation of subcontracting 
With respect to local guard contracts subject to subsection (c) of this section, a prime contractor may not subcontract more than 50 percent of the total value of its contract for that project.

22 USC 4865 - Security requirements for United States diplomatic facilities

(a) In general 
The following security requirements shall apply with respect to United States diplomatic facilities and specified personnel:
(1) Threat assessment 

(A) Emergency Action Plan 
The Emergency Action Plan (EAP) of each United States mission shall address the threat of large explosive attacks from vehicles and the safety of employees during such an explosive attack. Such plan shall be reviewed and updated annually.
(B) Security Environment Threat List 
The Security Environment Threat List shall contain a section that addresses potential acts of international terrorism against United States diplomatic facilities based on threat identification criteria that emphasize the threat of transnational terrorism and include the local security environment, host government support, and other relevant factors such as cultural realities. Such plan shall be reviewed and updated every six months.
(2) Site selection 

(A) In general 
In selecting a site for any new United States diplomatic facility abroad, the Secretary shall ensure that all United States Government personnel at the post (except those under the command of an area military commander) will be located on the site.
(B) Waiver authority 

(i) In general Subject to clause (ii), the Secretary of State may waive subparagraph (A) if the Secretary, together with the head of each agency employing personnel that would not be located at the site, determine that security considerations permit and it is in the national interest of the United States.
(ii) Chancery or consulate building
(I) Authority not delegable The Secretary may not delegate the waiver authority under clause (i) with respect to a chancery or consulate building.
(II) Congressional notification Not less than 15 days prior to implementing the waiver authority under clause (i) with respect to a chancery or consulate building, the Secretary shall notify the appropriate congressional committees in writing of the waiver and the reasons for the determination.
(iii) Report to Congress The Secretary shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees an annual report of all waivers under this subparagraph.
(3) Perimeter distance 

(A) Requirement 
Each newly acquired United States diplomatic facility shall be sited not less than 100 feet from the perimeter of the property on which the facility is to be situated.
(B) Waiver authority 

(i) In general Subject to clause (ii), the Secretary of State may waive subparagraph (A) if the Secretary determines that security considerations permit and it is in the national interest of the United States.
(ii) Chancery or consulate building
(I) Authority not delegable The Secretary may not delegate the waiver authority under clause (i) with respect to a chancery or consulate building.
(II) Congressional notification Not less than 15 days prior to implementing the waiver authority under subparagraph (A) with respect to a chancery or consulate building, the Secretary shall notify the appropriate congressional committees in writing of the waiver and the reasons for the determination.
(iii) Report to Congress The Secretary shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees an annual report of all waivers under this subparagraph.
(4) Crisis management training 

(A) Training of headquarters staff 
The appropriate personnel of the Department of State headquarters staff shall undertake crisis management training for mass casualty and mass destruction incidents relating to diplomatic facilities for the purpose of bringing about a rapid response to such incidents from Department of State headquarters in Washington, D.C.
(B) Training of personnel abroad 
A program of appropriate instruction in crisis management shall be provided to personnel at United States diplomatic facilities abroad at least on an annual basis.
(5) Diplomatic security training 
Not later than six months after November 29, 1999, the Secretary of State shall
(A) develop annual physical fitness standards for all diplomatic security agents to ensure that the agents are prepared to carry out all of their official responsibilities; and
(B) provide for an independent evaluation by an outside entity of the overall adequacy of current new agent, in-service, and management training programs to prepare agents to carry out the full scope of diplomatic security responsibilities, including preventing attacks on United States personnel and facilities.
(6) State Department support 

(A) Foreign Emergency Support Team 
The Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST) of the Department of State shall receive sufficient support from the Department, including
(i) conducting routine training exercises of the FEST;
(ii) providing personnel identified to serve on the FEST as a collateral duty;
(iii) providing personnel to assist in activities such as security, medical relief, public affairs, engineering, and building safety; and
(iv) providing such additional support as may be necessary to enable the FEST to provide support in a post-crisis environment involving mass casualties and physical damage.
(B) FEST aircraft 

(i) Replacement aircraft The President shall develop a plan to replace on a priority basis the current FEST aircraft funded by the Department of Defense with a dedicated, capable, and reliable replacement aircraft and backup aircraft to be operated and maintained by the Department of Defense.
(ii) Report Not later than 60 days after November 29, 1999, the President shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees describing the aircraft selected pursuant to clause (i) and the arrangements for the funding, operation, and maintenance of such aircraft.
(iii) Authority to lease aircraft to respond to a terrorist attack abroad Subject to the availability of appropriations, when the Attorney General of the Department of Justice exercises the Attorney Generals authority to lease commercial aircraft to transport equipment and personnel in response to a terrorist attack abroad if there have been reasonable efforts to obtain appropriate Department of Defense aircraft and such aircraft are unavailable, the Attorney General shall have the authority to obtain indemnification insurance or guarantees if necessary and appropriate.
(7) Rapid response procedures 
The Secretary of State shall enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Secretary of Defense setting out rapid response procedures for mobilization of personnel and equipment of their respective departments to provide more effective assistance in times of emergency with respect to United States diplomatic facilities.
(8) Storage of emergency equipment and records 
All United States diplomatic facilities shall have emergency equipment and records required in case of an emergency situation stored at an off-site facility.
(b) Statutory construction 
Nothing in this section alters or amends existing security requirements not addressed by this section.