5 USC 5701 - Definitions

Except as otherwise provided in section 5707 (d),1 for the purpose of this subchapter
(1) agency means
(A) an Executive agency;
(B) a military department;
(C) an office, agency, or other establishment in the legislative branch;

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(D) an office, agency, or other establishment in the judicial branch; and
(E) the government of the District of Columbia; but does not include
(i) a Government controlled corporation;
(ii) a Member of Congress; or
(iii) an office or committee of either House of Congress or of the two Houses;
(2) employee means an individual employed in or under an agency including an individual employed intermittently in the Government service as an expert or consultant and paid on a daily when-actually-employed basis and an individual serving without pay or at $1 a year;
(3) subsistence means lodging, meals, and other necessary expenses for the personal sustenance and comfort of the traveler;
(4) per diem allowance means a daily payment instead of actual expenses for subsistence and fees or tips to porters and stewards;
(5) Government means the Government of the United States and the government of the District of Columbia; and
(6) continental United States means the several States and the District of Columbia, but does not include Alaska or Hawaii.
[1] See References in Text note below.

5 USC 5702 - Per diem; employees traveling on official business

(1) Under regulations prescribed pursuant to section 5707 of this title, an employee, when traveling on official business away from the employees designated post of duty, or away from the employees home or regular place of business (if the employee is described in section 5703 of this title), is entitled to any one of the following:
(A) a per diem allowance at a rate not to exceed that established by the Administrator of General Services for travel within the continental United States, and by the President or his designee for travel outside the continental United States;
(B) reimbursement for the actual and necessary expenses of official travel not to exceed an amount established by the Administrator for travel within the continental United States or an amount established by the President or his designee for travel outside the continental United States; or
(C) a combination of payments described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph.
(2) Any per diem allowance or maximum amount of reimbursement shall be established, to the extent feasible, by locality.
(3) For travel consuming less than a full day, the payment prescribed by regulation shall be allocated in such manner as the Administrator may prescribe.
(1) Under regulations prescribed pursuant to section 5707 of this title, an employee who is described in subsection (a) of this section and who abandons the travel assignment prior to its completion
(A) because of an incapacitating illness or injury which is not due to the employees own misconduct is entitled to reimbursement for expenses of transportation to the employees designated post of duty, or home or regular place of business, as the case may be, and to payments pursuant to subsection (a) of this section until that location is reached; or
(B) because of a personal emergency situation (such as serious illness, injury, or death of a member of the employees family, or an emergency situation such as fire, flood, or act of God), may be allowed, with the approval of an appropriate official of the agency concerned, reimbursement for expenses of transportation to the employees designated post of duty, or home or regular place of business, as the case may be, and payments pursuant to subsection (a) of this section until that location is reached.
(A) Under regulations prescribed pursuant to section 5707 of this title, an employee who is described in subsection (a) of this section and who, with the approval of an appropriate official of the agency concerned, interrupts the travel assignment prior to its completion for a reason specified in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) of this subsection, may be allowed (subject to the limitation provided in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph)
(i) reimbursement for expenses of transportation to the location where necessary medical services are provided or the emergency situation exists,
(ii) payments pursuant to subsection (a) of this section until that location is reached, and
(iii) such reimbursement and payments for return to such assignment.
(B) The reimbursement which an employee may be allowed pursuant to subparagraph (A) of this paragraph shall be the employees actual costs of transportation to the location where necessary medical services are provided or the emergency exists, and return to assignment from such location, less the costs of transportation which the employee would have incurred had such travel begun and ended at the employees designated post of duty, or home or regular place of business, as the case may be. The payments which an employee may be allowed pursuant to subparagraph (A) of this paragraph shall be based on the additional time (if any) which was required for the employees transportation as a consequence of the transportations having begun and ended at a location on the travel assignment (rather than at the employees designated post of duty, or home or regular place of business, as the case may be).
(3) Subject to the limitations contained in regulations prescribed pursuant to section 5707 of this title, an employee who is described in subsection (a) of this section and who interrupts the travel assignment prior to its completion because of an incapacitating illness or injury which is not due to the employees own misconduct is entitled to payments pursuant to subsection (a) of this section at the location where the interruption occurred.
(c) This section does not apply to a justice or judge, except to the extent provided by section 456 of title 28.

5 USC 5703 - Per diem, travel, and transportation expenses; experts and consultants; individuals serving without pay

An employee serving intermittently in the Government service as an expert or consultant and paid on a daily when-actually-employed basis, or serving without pay or at $1 a year, may be allowed travel or transportation expenses, under this subchapter, while away from his home or regular place of business and at the place of employment or service.

5 USC 5704 - Mileage and related allowances

(1) Under regulations prescribed under section 5707 of this title, an employee who is engaged on official business for the Government is entitled to a rate per mile established by the Administrator of General Services, instead of the actual expenses of transportation, for the use of a privately owned automobile when that mode of transportation is authorized or approved as more advantageous to the Government. In any year in which the Internal Revenue Service establishes a single standard mileage rate for optional use by taxpayers in computing the deductible costs of operating their automobiles for business purposes, the rate per mile established by the Administrator shall not exceed the single standard mileage rate established by the Internal Revenue Service.
(2) Under regulations prescribed under section 5707 of this title, an employee who is engaged on official business for the Government is entitled to a rate per mile established by the Administrator of General Services, instead of the actual expenses of transportation, for the use of a privately owned airplane or a privately owned motorcycle when that mode of transportation is authorized or approved as more advantageous to the Government.
(b) A determination that travel by a privately owned vehicle is more advantageous to the Government is not required under subsection (a) of this section when payment on a mileage basis is limited to the cost of travel by common carrier including per diem.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a) and (b) of this section, in any case in which an employee who is engaged on official business for the Government chooses to use a privately owned vehicle in lieu of a Government vehicle, payment on a mileage basis is limited to the cost of travel by a Government vehicle.
(d) In addition to the rate per mile authorized under subsection (a) of this section, the employee may be reimbursed for
(1) parking fees;
(2) ferry fees;
(3) bridge, road, and tunnel costs; and
(4) airplane landing and tie-down fees.

5 USC 5705 - Advancements and deductions

An agency may advance, through the proper disbursing official, to an employee entitled to per diem or mileage allowances under this subchapter, a sum considered advisable with regard to the character and probable duration of the travel to be performed. A sum advanced and not used for allowable travel expenses is recoverable from the employee or his estate by
(1) setoff against accrued pay, retirement credit, or other amount due the employee;
(2) deduction from an amount due from the United States; and
(3) such other method as is provided by law.

5 USC 5706 - Allowable travel expenses

Except as otherwise permitted by this subchapter or by statutes relating to members of the uniformed services, only actual and necessary travel expenses may be allowed to an individual holding employment or appointment under the United States.

5 USC 5706a - Subsistence and travel expenses for threatened law enforcement personnel

(a) Under regulations prescribed pursuant to section 5707 of this title, when the life of an employee who serves in a law enforcement, investigative, or similar capacity, or members of such employees immediate family, is threatened as a result of the employees assigned duties, the head of the agency concerned may approve appropriate subsistence payments for the employee or members of the employees family (or both) while occupying temporary living accommodations at or away from the employees designated post of duty.
(b) When a situation described in subsection (a) of this section requires the employee or members of the employees family (or both) to be temporarily relocated away from the employees designated post of duty, the head of the agency concerned may approve transportation expenses to and from such alternate location.

5 USC 5706b - Interview expenses

An individual being considered for employment by an agency may be paid travel or transportation expenses under this subchapter for travel to and from pre-employment interviews determined necessary by the agency.

5 USC 5706c - Reimbursement for taxes incurred on money received for travel expenses

(a) Under regulations prescribed pursuant to section 5707 of this title, the head of an agency or department, or his or her designee, may use appropriations or other funds available to the agency for administrative expenses, for the reimbursement of Federal, State, and local income taxes incurred by an employee of the agency or by an employee and such employees spouse (if filing jointly), for any travel or transportation reimbursement made to an employee for which reimbursement or an allowance is provided.
(b) Reimbursements under this section shall include an amount equal to all income taxes for which the employee and spouse, as the case may be, would be liable due to the reimbursement for the taxes referred to in subsection (a). In addition, reimbursements under this section shall include penalties and interest, for the tax years 1993 and 1994 only, as a result of agencies failing to withhold the appropriate amounts for tax liabilities of employees affected by the change in the deductibility of travel expenses made by Public Law 102486.

5 USC 5707 - Regulations and reports

(1) The Administrator of General Services shall prescribe regulations necessary for the administration of this subchapter, except that the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts shall prescribe such regulations with respect to official travel by employees of the judicial branch of the Government.
(2) Regulations promulgated to implement section 5702 or 5706a of this title shall be transmitted to the appropriate committees of the Congress and shall not take effect until 30 days after such transmittal.
(b) The Administrator of General Services shall prescribe the mileage reimbursement rates for use on official business of privately owned airplanes, privately owned automobiles, and privately owned motorcycles while engaged on official business as provided for in section 5704 of this title as follows:
(A) The Administrator of General Services, in consultation with the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of Defense, and representatives of organizations of employees of the Government, shall conduct periodic investigations of the cost of travel and the operation of privately owned vehicles to employees while engaged on official business, and shall report the results of such investigations to Congress at least once a year.
(B) In conducting the periodic investigations, the Administrator shall review and analyze among other factors
(i) depreciation of original vehicle cost;
(ii) gasoline and oil (excluding taxes);
(iii) maintenance, accessories, parts, and tires;
(iv) insurance; and
(v) State and Federal taxes.
(A) The Administrator shall issue regulations under this section which
(i) shall prescribe a mileage reimbursement rate which reflects the current costs as determined by the Administrator of operating privately owned automobiles, and which shall not exceed, as provided in section 5704 (a)(1) of this title, the single standard mileage rate established by the Internal Revenue Service, and
(ii) shall prescribe mileage reimbursement rates which reflect the current costs as determined by the Administrator of operating privately owned airplanes and motorcycles.
(B) At least once each year after the issuance of the regulations described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, the Administrator shall determine, based upon the results of the cost investigation, specific figures, each rounded to the nearest half cent, of the average, actual cost per mile during the period for the use of a privately owned airplane, automobile, and motorcycle.
(C) The Administrator shall report the specific figures to Congress not later than five working days after the Administrator makes the cost determination. Each such report shall be printed in the Federal Register.
(D) The mileage reimbursement rates contained in the regulations prescribed under this section shall be adjusted within thirty days following the submission of the report under subparagraph (C) of this paragraph.
(c) The Administrator of General Services shall periodically, but at least every 2 years, submit to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget an analysis of estimated total agency payments for such items as travel and transportation of people, average costs and duration of trips, and purposes of official travel; and of estimated total agency payments for employee relocation. This analysis shall be based on a sampling survey of agencies each of which spent more than $5,000,000 during the previous fiscal year on travel and transportation payments, including payments for employee relocation. Agencies shall provide to the Administrator the necessary information in a format prescribed by the Administrator and approved by the Director.

5 USC 5707a - Adherence to fire safety guidelines in establishing rates and discounts for lodging expenses

(1) For the purpose of making payments under this chapter for lodging expenses incurred in a State, each agency shall ensure that not less than 90 percent of the commercial-lodging room nights for employees of that agency for a fiscal year are booked in approved places of public accommodation.
(2) Each agency shall establish explicit procedures to satisfy the percentage requirement of paragraph (1).
(3) An agency shall be considered to be in compliance with the percentage requirement of paragraph (1) until September 30, 2002, and after that date if travel arrangements of the agency, whether made for civilian employees, members of the uniformed services, or foreign service personnel, are made through travel management processes designed to book commercial lodging in approved places of public accommodation, whenever available.
(b) Studies or surveys conducted for the purposes of establishing per diem rates for lodging expenses under this chapter shall be limited to approved places of public accommodation. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply with respect to studies and surveys that are conducted in any jurisdiction that is not a State.
(c) The Administrator of General Services may not include in any directory which lists lodging accommodations any hotel, motel, or other place of public accommodation that is not an approved place of public accommodation.
(d) The Administrator of General Services shall include in each directory which lists lodging accommodations a description of the access and safety devices, including appropriate emergency alerting devices, which each listed place of public accommodation provides for guests who are hearing-impaired or visually or physically handicapped.
(e) The Administrator of General Services may take any additional actions the Administrator determines appropriate to facilitate the ability of employees traveling on official business to stay at approved places of public accommodation.
(f) For purposes of this section:
(1) The term agency does not include the government of the District of Columbia.
(2) The term approved places of public accommodation means hotels, motels, and other places of public accommodation that are listed by the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency as meeting the requirements of the fire prevention and control guidelines described in section 29 of the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974 (15 U.S.C. 2225).
(3) The term State means any State, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, or any other territory or possession of the United States.

5 USC 5708 - Effect on other statutes

This subchapter does not modify or repeal
(1) any statute providing for the traveling expenses of the President;
(2) any statute providing for mileage allowances for Members of Congress;
(3) any statute fixing or permitting rates higher than the maximum rates established under this subchapter; or
(4) any appropriation statute item for examination of estimates in the field.

5 USC 5709 - Air evacuation patients: furnished subsistence

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and under regulations prescribed under section 5707 of this title, an employee and his dependents may be furnished subsistence without charge while being evacuated as a patient by military aircraft of the United States.

5 USC 5710 - Authority for travel expenses test programs

(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, under a test program which the Administrator of General Services determines to be in the interest of the Government and approves, an agency may pay through the proper disbursing official for a period not to exceed 24 months any necessary travel expenses in lieu of any payment otherwise authorized or required under this subchapter. An agency shall include in any request to the Administrator for approval of such a test program an analysis of the expected costs and benefits and a set of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the program.
(2) Any test program conducted under this section shall be designed to enhance cost savings or other efficiencies that accrue to the Government.
(3) Nothing in this section is intended to limit the authority of any agency to conduct test programs.
(b) The Administrator shall transmit a copy of any test program approved by the Administrator under this section to the appropriate committees of the Congress at least 30 days before the effective date of the program.
(c) An agency authorized to conduct a test program under subsection (a) shall provide to the Administrator and the appropriate committees of the Congress a report on the results of the program no later than 3 months after completion of the program.
(d) No more than 10 test programs under this section may be conducted simultaneously.
(e) The authority to conduct test programs under this section shall expire 7 years after the date of the enactment of the Travel and Transportation Reform Act of 1998.


5 USC 5721 - Definitions

For the purpose of this subchapter
(1) agency means
(A) an Executive agency;
(B) a military department;
(C) a court of the United States;
(D) the Administrative Office of the United States Courts;
(E) the Library of Congress;
(F) the Botanic Garden;
(G) the Architect of the Capitol;
(H) the Government Printing Office; and
(I) the government of the District of Columbia;

but does not include a Government controlled corporation;

(2) employee means an individual employed in or under an agency;
(3) continental United States means the several States and the District of Columbia, but does not include Alaska or Hawaii;
(4) Government means the government of the United States and the government of the District of Columbia;
(5) appropriation includes funds made available by statute under section 9104 of title 31;
(6) United States means the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the territories and possessions of the United States, and the areas and installations in the Republic of Panama that are made available to the United States pursuant to the Panama Canal Treaty of 1977 and related agreements (as described in section 3(a) of the Panama Canal Act of 1979); and
(7) Foreign Service of the United States means the Foreign Service as constituted under the Foreign Service Act of 1980.

5 USC 5722 - Travel and transportation expenses of new appointees; posts of duty outside the continental United States

(a) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title and subject to subsections (b) and (c) of this section, an agency may pay from its appropriations
(1) travel expenses of a new appointee and transportation expenses of his immediate family and his household goods and personal effects from the place of actual residence at the time of appointment to the place of employment outside the continental United States;
(2) these expenses on the return of an employee from his post of duty outside the continental United States to the place of his actual residence at the time of assignment to duty outside the continental United States; and
(3) the expenses of transporting a privately owned motor vehicle as authorized under section 5727 (c) of this title.
(b) An agency may pay expenses under subsection (a)(1) of this section only after the individual selected for appointment agrees in writing to remain in the Government service for a minimum period of
(1) one school year as determined under chapter 25 of title 20, if selected for appointment to a teaching position, except as a substitute, in the Department of Defense under that chapter; or
(2) 12 months after his appointment, if selected for appointment to any other position;

unless separated for reasons beyond his control which are acceptable to the agency concerned. If the individual violates the agreement, the money spent by the Government for the expenses is recoverable from the individual as a debt due the Government.

(c) An agency may pay expenses under subsection (a)(2) of this section only after the individual has served for a minimum period of
(1) one school year as determined under chapter 25 of title 20, if employed in a teaching position, except as a substitute, in the Department of Defense under that chapter; or
(2) not less than one nor more than 3 years prescribed in advance by the head of the agency, if employed in any other position;

unless separated for reasons beyond his control which are acceptable to the agency concerned. These expenses are payable whether the separation is for Government purposes or for personal convenience.

(d) This section does not apply to appropriations for the Foreign Service of the United States.

5 USC 5723 - Travel and transportation expenses of new appointees and student trainees

(a) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title and subject to subsections (b) and (c) of this section, an agency may pay from its appropriations
(1) travel expenses
(A)  of a new appointee, or a student trainee when assigned on completion of college work, to any position,
(B)  of a new appointee to the Senior Executive Service or the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Drug Enforcement Administration Senior Executive Service, or
(C)  of any person appointed by the President to a position the rate of pay for which is equal to or higher than the minimum rate of pay payable for a position classified above GS15 pursuant to section 5108;
(2) transportation expenses of his immediate family and his household goods and personal effects to the extent authorized by section 5724 of this title; and
(3) the expenses of transporting a privately owned motor vehicle as authorized under section 5727 (c) of this title;

from his place of residence at the time of selection or assignment to his duty station. If the travel and transportation expenses of a student trainee were paid when he was appointed, they may not be paid when he is assigned after completion of college work. Travel expenses payable under this subsection may include the per diem and mileage allowances authorized for employees by subchapter I of this chapter. Advances of funds may be made for the expenses authorized by this subsection to the extent authorized by section 5724 (f) of this title. In the case of an appointee described in paragraph (1) who has performed transition activities under section 3 of the Presidential Transition Act of 1963 (3 U.S.C. 102 note ), the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2) may apply to travel and transportation expenses from the place of residence of such appointee (at the time of relocation following the most recent general elections held to determine the electors of the President) to the assigned duty station of such appointee.

(b) An agency may pay travel and transportation expenses under subsection (a) of this section only after the individual selected or assigned agrees in writing to remain in the Government service for 12 months after his appointment or assignment, unless separated for reasons beyond his control which are acceptable to the agency concerned. If the individual violates the agreement, the money spent by the Government for the expenses is recoverable from the individual as a debt due the Government.
(c) An agency may pay travel and transportation expenses under subsection (a) of this section whether or not the individual selected has been appointed at the time of the travel. In the case of an appointee described in subsection (a)(1) who has performed transition activities under section 3 of the Presidential Transition Act of 1963 (3 U.S.C. 102 note ), the travel or transportation shall take place at any time after the most recent general elections held to determine the electors of the President.
(d) This section does not impair or otherwise affect the authority of an agency under existing statute to pay travel and transportation expenses of individuals named by subsection (a) of this section.

5 USC 5724 - Travel and transportation expenses of employees transferred; advancement of funds; reimbursement on commuted basis

(a) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title and when the head of the agency concerned or his designee authorizes or approves, the agency shall pay from Government funds
(1) the travel expenses of an employee transferred in the interest of the Government from one official station or agency to another for permanent duty, and the transportation expenses of his immediate family, or a commutation thereof under section 5704 of this title;
(2) the expenses of transporting, packing, crating, temporarily storing, draying, and unpacking his household goods and personal effects not in excess of 18,000 pounds net weight; and
(3) upon the separation (or death in service) of a career appointee, as defined in section 3132 (a)(4) of this title, the travel expenses of that individual (if applicable), the transportation expenses of the immediate family of such individual, and the expenses of moving (including transporting, packing, crating, temporarily storing, draying, and unpacking) the household goods of such individual and personal effects not in excess of eighteen thousand pounds net weight, to the place where the individual will reside (or, in the case of a career appointee who dies in service or who dies after separating but before the travel, transportation, and moving is completed, to the place where the family will reside) within the United States, if such individual
(A) during or after the five years preceding eligibility to receive an annuity under subchapter III of chapter 83, or of chapter 84 of this title, has been transferred in the interest of the Government from one official station to another for permanent duty as a career appointee in the Senior Executive Service or as a director under section 4103 (a)(8) of title 38 (as in effect on November 17, 1988); and
(B) is eligible to receive an annuity upon such separation (or, in the case of death in service, met the requirements for being considered eligible to receive an annuity, as of date of death) under the provisions of subchapter III of chapter 83 or chapter 84 of this title.
(b) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title, an employee who transports a house trailer or mobile dwelling inside the continental United States, inside Alaska, or between the continental United States and Alaska, for use as a residence, and who otherwise would be entitled to transportation of household goods and personal effects under subsection (a) of this section, is entitled, instead of that transportation, to
(1) a reasonable allowance for transportation of the house trailer or mobile dwelling, if the trailer or dwelling is transported by the employee; or
(2) commercial transportation of the house trailer or mobile dwelling, at Government expense, or reimbursement to the employee therefor, including the payment of necessary tolls, charges, and permit fees, if the trailer or dwelling is not transported by the employee.

However, payment under this subsection may not exceed the maximum payment to which the employee otherwise would be entitled under subsection (a) of this section for transportation and temporary storage of his household goods and personal effects in connection with this transfer.

(c) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title, an employee who transfers between points inside the continental United States, instead of being paid for the actual expenses of transporting, packing, crating, temporarily storing, draying, and unpacking of household goods and personal effects, shall be reimbursed on a commuted basis at the rates per 100 pounds that are fixed by zones in the regulations. The reimbursement may not exceed the amount which would be allowable for the authorized weight allowance. However, under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title, payment of actual expenses may be made when the head of the agency determines that payment of actual expenses is more economical to the Government.
(d) When an employee transfers to a post of duty outside the continental United States, his expenses of travel and transportation to and from the post shall be allowed to the same extent and with the same limitations prescribed for a new appointee under section 5722 of this title.
(e) When an employee transfers from one agency to another, the agency to which he transfers pays the expenses authorized by this section. However, under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title, in a transfer from one agency to another because of a reduction in force or transfer of function, expenses authorized by this section and sections 5726 (b) and 5727 of this title (other than expenses authorized in connection with a transfer to a foreign country) and by section 5724a (a) through (f) of this title may be paid in whole or in part by the agency from which the employee transfers or by the agency to which he transfers, as may be agreed on by the heads of the agencies concerned.
(f) An advance of funds may be made to an employee under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title with the same safeguards required under section 5705 of this title.
(g) The allowances authorized by this section do not apply to an employee transferred under the Foreign Service Act of 1980.
(h) When a transfer is made primarily for the convenience or benefit of an employee, including an employee in the Foreign Service of the United States, or at his request, his expenses of travel and transportation and the expenses of transporting, packing, crating, temporarily storing, draying, and unpacking of household goods and personal effects may not be allowed or paid from Government funds.
(i) An agency may pay travel and transportation expenses (including storage of household goods and personal effects) and other relocation allowances under this section and sections 5724a, 5724b, and 5726 (c) of this title when an employee is transferred within the continental United States only after the employee agrees in writing to remain in the Government service for 12 months after his transfer, unless separated for reasons beyond his control that are acceptable to the agency concerned. If the employee violates the agreement, the money spent by the Government for the expenses and allowances is recoverable from the employee as a debt due the Government.
(j) The regulations prescribed under this section shall provide that the reassignment or transfer of any employee, for permanent duty, from one official station or agency to another which is outside the employees commuting area shall take effect only after the employee has been given advance notice for a reasonable period. Emergency circumstances shall be taken into account in determining whether the period of advance notice is reasonable.

5 USC 5724a - Relocation expenses of employees transferred or reemployed

(a) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738, an agency shall pay to or on behalf of an employee who transfers in the interest of the Government, a per diem allowance or the actual subsistence expenses, or a combination thereof, of the immediate family of the employee for en route travel of the immediate family between the employees old and new official stations.
(1) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738, an agency may pay to or on behalf of an employee who transfers in the interest of the Government between official stations located within the United States
(A) the expenses of transportation of the employee and the employees spouse for travel to seek permanent residence quarters at a new official station; and
(B) either
(i) a per diem allowance or the actual subsistence expenses (or a combination of both); or
(ii) an amount for subsistence expenses, that may not exceed a maximum amount determined by the Administrator of General Services.
(2) Expenses may be allowed under paragraph (1) only for one round trip in connection with each change of station of the employee.
(1) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738, an agency may pay to or on behalf of an employee who transfers in the interest of the Government
(A) actual subsistence expenses of the employee and the employees immediate family for a period of up to 60 days while the employee or family is occupying temporary quarters when the new official station is located within the United States; or
(B) an amount for subsistence expenses, that may not exceed a maximum amount determined by the Administrator of General Services, instead of the actual subsistence expenses authorized in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph.
(2) The period authorized in paragraph (1) of this subsection for payment of expenses for residence in temporary quarters may be extended up to an additional 60 days if the head of the agency concerned or the designee of such head of the agency determines that there are compelling reasons for the continued occupancy of temporary quarters.
(3) The regulations implementing paragraph (1)(A) shall prescribe daily rates and amounts for subsistence expenses per individual.
(1) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738, an agency shall pay to or on behalf of an employee who transfers in the interest of the Government, expenses of the sale of the residence (or the settlement of an unexpired lease) of the employee at the old official station and purchase of a residence at the new official station that are required to be paid by the employee, when the old and new official stations are located within the United States.
(2) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738, an agency shall pay to or on behalf of an employee who transfers in the interest of the Government from a post of duty located outside the United States to an official station within the United States (other than the official station within the United States from which the employee was transferred when assigned to the foreign tour of duty)
(A) expenses required to be paid by the employee of the sale of the residence (or the settlement of an unexpired lease) of the employee at the old official station from which the employee was transferred when the employee was assigned to the post of duty located outside the United States; and
(B) expenses required to be paid by the employee of the purchase of a residence at the new official station within the United States.
(3) Reimbursement of expenses under paragraph (2) of this subsection shall not be allowed for any sale (or settlement of an unexpired lease) or purchase transaction that occurs prior to official notification that the employees return to the United States would be to an official station other than the official station from which the employee was transferred when assigned to the post of duty outside the United States.
(4) Reimbursement for brokerage fees on the sale of the residence and other expenses under this subsection may not exceed those customarily charged in the locality where the residence is located.
(5) Reimbursement may not be made under this subsection for losses incurred by the employee on the sale of the residence.
(6) This subsection applies regardless of whether title to the residence or the unexpired lease is
(A) in the name of the employee alone;
(B) in the joint names of the employee and a member of the employees immediate family; or
(C) in the name of a member of the employees immediate family alone.
(A) In connection with the sale of the residence at the old official station, reimbursement under this subsection shall not exceed 10 percent of the sale price.
(B) In connection with the purchase of a residence at the new official station, reimbursement under this subsection shall not exceed 5 percent of the purchase price.
(8) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738, an agency may pay to or on behalf of an employee who transfers in the interest of the Government expenses of property management services, instead of expenses under paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection for sale of the employees residence, when the agency determines that such transfer is advantageous and cost-effective for the Government.
(e) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738, an agency may pay to or on behalf of an employee who transfers in the interest of the Government, the expenses of property management services when the employee transfers to a post of duty outside the United States. Such payment shall terminate upon return of the employee to an official station within the United States.
(1) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 and subject to paragraph (2), an employee who is reimbursed under subsections (a) through (e) of this section or section 5724 (a) of this title is entitled to an amount for miscellaneous expenses
(A) not to exceed two weeks basic pay, if such employee has an immediate family; or
(B) not to exceed one weeks basic pay, if such employee does not have an immediate family.
(2) Amounts paid under paragraph (1) may not exceed amounts determined at the maximum rate payable for a position at GS13 of the General Schedule.
(g) A former employee separated by reason of reduction in force or transfer of function who within one year after the separation is reemployed by a nontemporary appointment at a different geographical location from that where the separation occurred, may be allowed and paid the expenses authorized by sections 5724, 5725, 5726 (b), and 5727 of this title, and may receive the benefits authorized by subsections (a) through (f) of this section, in the same manner as though the employee had been transferred in the interest of the Government without a break in service to the location of reemployment from the location where separated.
(h) Payments for subsistence expenses, including amounts in lieu of per diem or actual subsistence expenses or a combination thereof, authorized under this section may not exceed the maximum payment allowed under regulations which implement section 5702 of this title.

5 USC 5724b - Taxes on reimbursements for travel, transportation, and relocation expenses of employees transferred

(a) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title and to the extent considered necessary and appropriate, as provided therein, appropriations or other funds available to an agency for administrative expenses are available for the reimbursement of substantially all of the Federal, State, and local income taxes incurred by an employee, or by an employee and such employees spouse (if filing jointly), for any moving or storage expenses furnished in kind, or for which reimbursement or an allowance is provided (but only to the extent of the expenses paid or incurred). Reimbursements under this subsection shall also include an amount equal to all income taxes for which the employee and spouse, as the case may be,[1] would be liable due to the reimbursement for the taxes referred to in the first sentence of this subsection.
(b) For the purposes of this section, moving or storage expenses means travel and transportation expenses (including storage of household goods and personal effects under section 5724 of this title) and other relocation expenses under sections 5724a and 5724c of this title.
[1] See Codification note below.

5 USC 5724c - Relocation services

Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title, each agency may enter into contracts to provide relocation services to agencies and employees for the purpose of carrying out this subchapter. An agency may pay a fee for such services. Such services include arranging for the purchase of a transferred employees residence.

5 USC 5725 - Transportation expenses; employees assigned to danger areas

(a) When an employee of the Government is on duty, or is transferred or assigned to duty, at a place designated by the head of the agency concerned as inside a zone
(1) from which his immediate family should be evacuated; or
(2) to which they are not permitted to accompany him;

because of military or other reasons which create imminent danger to life or property, or adverse living conditions which seriously affect the health, safety, or accommodations of the immediate family, Government funds may be used to transport his immediate family and household goods and personal effects, under regulations prescribed by the head of the agency, to a location designated by the employee. When circumstances prevent the employee from designating a location, or it is administratively impracticable to determine his intent, the immediate family may designate the location. When the designated location is inside a zone to which movement of families is prohibited under this subsection, the employee or his immediate family may designate an alternate location.

(b) When the employee is assigned to a duty station from which his immediate family is not excluded by the restrictions in subsection (a) of this section, Government funds may be used to transport his immediate family and household goods and personal effects from the designated or alternate location to the duty station.

5 USC 5726 - Storage expenses; household goods and personal effects

(a) For the purpose of subsection (b) of this section, household goods and personal effects means such personal property of an employee and his dependents as authorized under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title to be transported or stored, including, in emergencies, motor vehicles authorized to be shipped at Government expense.
(b) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title, an employee, including a new appointee and a student trainee to the extent authorized by sections 5722 and 5723 of this title, assigned to a permanent duty station outside the continental United States may be allowed storage expenses and related transportation and other expenses for his household goods and personal effects when
(1) the duty station is one to which he cannot take or at which he is unable to use his household goods and personal effects; or
(2) the head of the agency concerned authorizes storage of the household goods and personal effects in the public interest or for reasons of economy.

The weight of the household goods and personal effects stored under this subsection, together with the weight of property transported under section 5724 (a), may not exceed 18,000 pounds net weight, excluding a motor vehicle described by subsection (a) of this section.

(c) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title, when an employee, including a new appointee and a student trainee to the extent authorized by section 5723 of this title, is assigned to a permanent duty station at an isolated location in the continental United States to which he cannot take or at which he is unable to use his household goods and personal effects because of the absence of residence quarters at the location, nontemporary storage expenses or storage at Government expense in Government-owned facilities (including related transportation and other expenses), whichever is more economical, may be allowed the employee under regulations prescribed by the head of the agency concerned. The weight of property stored under this subsection, together with the weight of property transported under sections 5723 (a) and 5724 (a) of this title, may not exceed the total maximum weight the employee would be entitled to have moved. The period of nontemporary storage under this subsection may not exceed 3 years.

5 USC 5727 - Transportation of motor vehicles

(a) Except as specifically authorized by statute, an authorization in a statute or regulation to transport the effects of an employee or other individual at Government expense is not an authorization to transport an automobile.
(b) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title, the privately owned motor vehicle of an employee, including a new appointee and a student trainee to the extent authorized by sections 5722 and 5723 of this title, may be transported at Government expense to, from, and between the continental United States and a post of duty outside the continental United States, or between posts of duty outside the continental United States, when
(1) the employee is assigned to the post of duty for other than temporary duty; and
(2) the head of the agency concerned determines that it is in the interest of the Government for the employee to have the use of a motor vehicle at the post of duty.
(c) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title, the privately owned motor vehicle or vehicles of an employee, including a new appointee or a student trainee for whom travel and transportation expenses are authorized under section 5723 of this title, may be transported at Government expense to a new official station of the employee when the agency determines that such transport is advantageous and cost-effective to the Government.
(d) An employee may transport only one motor vehicle under subsection (b) of this section during a 4-year period, except when the head of the agency concerned determines that replacement of the motor vehicle during the period is necessary for reasons beyond the control of the employee and is in the interest of the Government, and authorizes in advance the transportation under subsection (b) of this section of one additional privately owned motor vehicle as a replacement. When an employee has remained in continuous service outside the continental United States during the 4-year period after the date of transportation under subsection (b) of this section of his motor vehicle, the head of the agency concerned may authorize transportation under subsection (b) of this section of a replacement for that motor vehicle.
(e) When the head of an agency authorizes transportation under subsection (b) or (c) of this section of a privately owned motor vehicle, the transportation may be by
(1) commercial means, if available at reasonable rates and under reasonable conditions; or
(2) Government means on a space-available basis.
(1) This section, except subsection (a), does not apply to
(A) the Foreign Service of the United States; or
(B) the Central Intelligence Agency.
(2) This section, except subsection (a), does not affect section 403e (4) of title 50.

5 USC 5728 - Travel and transportation expenses; vacation leave

(a) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title, an agency shall pay from its appropriations the expenses of round-trip travel of an employee, and the transportation of his immediate family, but not household goods, from his post of duty outside the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii to the place of his actual residence at the time of appointment or transfer to the post of duty, after he has satisfactorily completed an agreed period of service outside the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii and is returning to his actual place of residence to take leave before serving another tour of duty at the same or another post of duty outside the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii under a new written agreement made before departing from the post of duty.
(b) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title, an agency shall pay from its appropriations the expenses of round-trip travel of an employee of the Government appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, for a term fixed by statute, and of transportation of his immediate family, but not household goods, from his post of duty outside the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii to the place of his actual residence at the time of appointment to the post of duty, after he has satisfactorily completed each 2 years of service outside the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii and is returning to his actual place of residence to take leave before serving at least 2 more years of duty outside the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii.
(1) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title, an agency may pay, subject to paragraph (3) of this subsection, the expenses described in paragraph (2) of this subsection in any case in which the head of the agency determines that the payment of such expenses is necessary for the purpose of recruiting or retaining an employee for service of a tour of duty at a post of duty in Alaska or Hawaii.
(2) The expenses payable under paragraph (1) of this subsection are the expenses of round-trip travel of an employee, and the transportation of his immediate family, but not household goods, from his post of duty in Alaska or Hawaii to the place of his actual residence at the time of appointment or transfer to the post of duty, incurred after he has satisfactorily completed an agreed period of service in Alaska or Hawaii and in returning to his actual place of residence to take leave before serving another tour of duty at the same or another post of duty in Alaska or Hawaii under a new written agreement made before departing from the post of duty.
(3) The payment of expenses of any employee and the transportation of his family under paragraph (1) of this subsection is limited to the expenses of travel and transportation incurred for not more than two round trips commenced within 5 years after the date the employee first commences any period of consecutive tours of duty in Alaska or Hawaii.
(d) This section does not apply to appropriations for the Foreign Service of the United States.

5 USC 5729 - Transportation expenses; prior return of family

(a) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title, an agency shall pay from its appropriations, not more than once before the return to the United States of an employee whose post of duty is outside the continental United States, the expenses of transporting his immediate family and of shipping his household goods and personal effects from his post of duty to his actual place of residence when
(1) he has acquired eligibility for that transportation; or
(2) the public interest requires the return of the immediate family for compelling personal reasons of a humanitarian or compassionate nature, such as may involve physical or mental health, death of a member of the immediate family, or obligation imposed by authority or circumstances over which the individual has no control.
(b) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title, an agency shall reimburse from its appropriations an employee whose post of duty is outside the continental United States for the proper transportation expenses of returning his immediate family and his household goods and personal effects to the United States, when
(1) their return was made at the expense of the employee before his return and for other than reasons of public interest; and
(2) he acquires eligibility for those transportation expenses.
(c) This section does not apply to appropriations for the Foreign Service of the United States.

5 USC 5730 - Funds available

Funds available for travel expenses of an employee are available for expenses of transportation of his immediate family, and funds available for transportation of things are available for transportation of household goods and personal effects, as authorized by this subchapter.

5 USC 5731 - Expenses limited to lowest first-class rate

(a) The allowance for actual expenses for transportation may not exceed the lowest first-class rate by the transportation facility used unless it is certified, in accordance with regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title, that
(1) lowest first-class accommodations are not available; or
(2) use of a compartment or other accommodation authorized or approved by the head of the agency concerned or his designee is required for security purposes.
(b) Instead of the maximum fixed by subsection (a) of this section, the allowance to an employee of the Government for actual expenses for transportation on an inter-island steamship in Hawaii may not exceed the rate for accommodations on the steamship that is equivalent as nearly as possible to the rate for the lowest first-class accommodations on trans-pacific steamships.

5 USC 5732 - General average contribution; payment or reimbursement

Under such regulations as the President may prescribe, appropriations chargeable for the transportation of baggage and household goods and personal effects of employees of the Government, volunteers as defined by section 8142 (a) of this title, and members of the uniformed services are available for the payment or reimbursement of general average contributions required. Appropriations are not available for the payment or reimbursement of general average contributions
(1) required in connection with and applicable to quantities of baggage and household goods and personal effects in excess of quantities authorized by statute or regulation to be transported;
(2) when the individual concerned is allowed under statute or regulation a commutation instead of actual transportation expenses; or
(3) when the individual concerned selected the means of shipment.

5 USC 5733 - Expeditious travel

The travel of an employee shall be by the most expeditious means of transportation practicable and shall be commensurate with the nature and purpose of the duties of the employee requiring such travel.

5 USC 5734 - Travel, transportation, and relocation expenses of employees transferred from the Postal Service

Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, officers and employees of the United States Postal Service promoted or transferred under section 1006 of title 39, United States Code, from the Postal Service to an agency (as defined in section 5721 of this title), for permanent duty may be authorized travel, transportation, and relocation expenses and allowances under the same conditions and to the same extent authorized by this subchapter for other transferred employees within the meaning of this chapter.

5 USC 5735 - Travel, transportation, and relocation expenses of employees transferring to the United States Postal Service

(a) In General.— 
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, employees of the Department of Defense described in subsection (b) may be authorized travel, transportation, and relocation expenses and allowances in connection with appointments referred to in such subsection under the same conditions and to the same extent authorized by this subchapter for transferred employees.
(b) Covered Employees.— 
Subsection (a) applies to any employee of the Department of Defense who
(1) is scheduled for separation from the Department, other than for cause;
(2) is selected for appointment to a continuing position with the United States Postal Service; and
(3) accepts the appointment.

5 USC 5736 - Travel, transportation, and relocation expenses of certain nonappropriated fund employees

An employee of a nonappropriated fund instrumentality of the Department of Defense or the Coast Guard described in section 2105 (c) of this title who moves, without a break in service of more than 3 days, to a position in the Department of Defense or the Coast Guard, respectively, may be authorized travel, transportation, and relocation expenses and allowances under the same conditions and to the same extent authorized by this subchapter for transferred employees.

5 USC 5737 - Relocation expenses of an employee who is performing an extended assignment

(a) Under regulations prescribed under section 5738 of this title, an agency may pay to or on behalf of an employee assigned from the employees official station to a duty station for a period of not less than six months and not greater than 30 months, the following expenses in lieu of payment of expenses authorized under subchapter I of this chapter:
(1) Travel expenses to and from the assignment location in accordance with section 5724 of this title.
(2) Transportation expenses of the immediate family and household goods and personal effects to and from the assignment location in accordance with section 5724 of this title.
(3) A per diem allowance for en route travel of the employees immediate family to and from the assignment location in accordance with section 5724a (a) of this title.
(4) Travel and transportation expenses of the employee and spouse to seek new residence quarters at the assignment location in accordance with section 5724a (b) of this title.
(5) Subsistence expenses of the employee and the employees immediate family while occupying temporary quarters upon commencement and termination of the assignment in accordance with section 5724a (c) of this title.
(6) An amount, in accordance with section 5724a (f), to be used by the employee for miscellaneous expenses of this title.[1]
(7) The expenses of transporting a privately owned motor vehicle or vehicles to the assignment location in accordance with section 5727 of this title.
(8) An allowance as authorized under section 5724b of this title for Federal, State, and local income taxes incurred on reimbursement of expenses paid under this section or on services provided in kind under this section.
(9) Expenses of nontemporary storage of household goods and personal effects as defined in section 5726 (a) of this title, subject to the limitation that the weight of the household goods and personal effects stored, together with the weight of property transported under section 5724 (a) of this title, may not exceed the total maximum weight which could be transported in accordance with section 5724 (a) of this title.
(10) Expenses of property management services.
(b) An agency shall not make payment under this section to or on behalf of the employee for expenses incurred after termination of the temporary assignment.
[1] So in original.

5 USC 5737a - Employees temporarily deployed in contingency operations

(a) Definitions.— 
For purposes of this section
(1) the term covered employee means an individual who
(A) is an employee of an Executive agency or a military department, excluding a Government controlled corporation; and
(B) is assigned on a temporary change of station in support of a contingency operation;
(2) the term temporary change of station, as used with respect to an employee, means an assignment
(A) from the employees official duty station to a temporary duty station; and
(B) for which such employee is eligible for expenses under section 5737; and
(3) the term contingency operation has the meaning given such term by section 1482a (c) of title 10.
(b) Quarters and Rations.— 
The head of an agency may provide quarters and rations, without charge, to any covered employee of such agency during the period of such employees temporary assignment (as described in subsection (a)(1)(B)).
(c) Storage of Motor Vehicle.— 
The head of an agency may provide for the storage, without charge, or for the reimbursement of the cost of storage, of a motor vehicle that is owned or leased by a covered employee of such agency (or by a dependent of such an employee) and that is for the personal use of the covered employee. This subsection shall apply
(1) with respect to storage during the period of the employees temporary assignment (as described in subsection (a)(1)(B)); and
(2) in the case of a covered employee, with respect to not more than one motor vehicle as of any given time.
(d) Relationship to Other Benefits.— 
Any benefits under this section shall be in addition to (and not in lieu of) any other benefits for which the covered employee is otherwise eligible.

5 USC 5738 - Regulations

(1) Except as specifically provided in this subchapter, the Administrator of General Services shall prescribe regulations necessary for the administration of this subchapter.
(2) The Administrator of General Services shall include in the regulations authority for the head of an agency or his designee to waive any limitation of this subchapter or in any implementing regulation for any employee relocating to or from a remote or isolated location who would suffer hardship if the limitation were not waived. A waiver of a limitation under authority provided in the regulations pursuant to this paragraph shall be effective notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter.
(b) In prescribing regulations for the implementation of section 5724b of this title, the Administrator of General Services shall consult with the Secretary of the Treasury.
(c) The Secretary of Defense shall prescribe regulations necessary for the implementation of section 5735 of this title.

5 USC 5739 - Authority for relocation expenses test programs

(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, under a test program which the Administrator of General Services determines to be in the interest of the Government and approves, an agency may pay through the proper disbursing official any necessary relocation expenses in lieu of any payment otherwise authorized or required under this subchapter. An agency shall include in any request to the Administrator for approval of such a test program an analysis of the expected costs and benefits and a set of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the program.
(2) Any test program conducted under this section shall be designed to enhance cost savings or other efficiencies that accrue to the Government.
(3) Nothing in this section is intended to limit the authority of any agency to conduct test programs.
(b) The Administrator shall transmit a copy of any test program approved by the Administrator under this section to the appropriate committees of the Congress at least 30 days before the effective date of the program.
(c) An agency authorized to conduct a test program under subsection (a) shall provide to the Administrator and the appropriate committees of the Congress a report on the results of the program no later than 3 months after completion of the program.
(d) No more than 10 test programs under this section may be conducted simultaneously.
(e) The authority to conduct test programs under this section shall expire 11 years after the date of the enactment of the Travel and Transportation Reform Act of 1998.


5 USC 5741 - General prohibition

Except as specifically authorized by statute, the head of an Executive department or military department may not authorize an expenditure in connection with the transportation of remains of a deceased employee.

5 USC 5742 - Transportation of remains, dependents, and effects; death occurring away from official station or abroad

(a) For the purpose of this section, agency means
(1) an Executive agency;
(2) a military department;
(3) an agency in the legislative branch; and
(4) an agency in the judicial branch.
(b) When an employee dies, the head of the agency concerned, under regulations prescribed by the President and, except as otherwise provided by law, may pay from appropriations available for the activity in which the employee was engaged
(1) the expense of preparing and transporting the remains to the home or official station of the employee, or such other place appropriate for interment as is determined by the head of the agency concerned, if death occurred while the employee was in a travel status away from his official station in the United States or while performing official duties outside the continental United States or in transit thereto or therefrom;
(2) the expense of transporting his dependents, including expenses of packing, crating, draying, and transporting household effects and other personal property to his former home or such other place as is determined by the head of the agency concerned, if
(A) the employee died while performing official duties outside the continental United States or in transit thereto or therefrom; or
(B) in the case of an employee who was a party to a mandatory mobility agreement that was in effect when the employee died
(i) the employee died in the circumstances described in subparagraph (A); or
(I) the employee died as a result of disease or injury incurred while performing official duties
(aa) in an overseas location that, at the time such employee was performing such official duties, was within the area of responsibility of the Commander of the United States Central Command; and
(bb) in direct support of or directly related to a military operation, including a contingency operation (as defined in section 101 (13) of title 10) or an operation in response to an emergency declared by the President; and
(II) the employees dependents were residing either outside the continental United States or within the continental United States when the employee died; and
(3) the travel expenses of not more than 2 persons to escort the remains of a deceased employee, if death occurred while the employee was in travel status away from his official station in the United States or while performing official duties outside the United States or in transit thereto or therefrom, from the place of death to the home or official station of such person, or such other place appropriate for interment as is determined by the head of the agency concerned.
(c) When a dependent of an employee dies while residing with the employee performing official duties outside the continental United States or in Alaska or in transit thereto or therefrom, the head of the agency concerned may pay the necessary expenses of transporting the remains to the home of the dependent, or such other place appropriate for interment as is determined by the head of the agency concerned. If practicable, the agency concerned in respect of the deceased may furnish mortuary services and supplies on a reimbursable basis when
(1) local commercial mortuary facilities and supplies are not available; or
(2) the cost of available mortuary facilities and supplies are prohibitive in the opinion of the head of the agency.

Reimbursement for the cost of mortuary services and supplies furnished under this subsection shall be collected and credited to current appropriations available for the payment of these costs.

(d) The benefits of this section may not be denied because the deceased was temporarily absent from duty when death occurred.
(e) Employees covered by this section include an employee who has been reassigned away from the employees home of record pursuant to a mandatory mobility agreement executed as a condition of employment.


5 USC 5751 - Travel expenses of witnesses

(a) Under such regulations as the Attorney General may prescribe, an employee as defined by section 2105 of this title (except an individual whose pay is disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate or the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives) summoned, or assigned by his agency, to testify or produce official records on behalf of the United States is entitled to travel expenses under subchapter I of this chapter. If the case involves the activity in connection with which he is employed, the travel expenses are paid from the appropriation otherwise available for travel expenses of the employee under proper certification by a certifying official of the agency concerned. If the case does not involve its activity, the employing agency may advance or pay the travel expenses of the employee, and later obtain reimbursement from the agency properly chargeable with the travel expenses.
(b) An employee as defined by section 2105 of this title (except an individual whose pay is disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate or the Chief Administrative Officer of the House of Representatives) summoned, or assigned by his agency, to testify in his official capacity or produce official records, on behalf of a party other than the United States, is entitled to travel expenses under subchapter I of this chapter, except to the extent that travel expenses are paid to the employee for his appearance by the court, authority, or party which caused him to be summoned.

5 USC 5752 - Travel expenses of Senior Executive Service candidates

Employing agencies may pay candidates for Senior Executive Service positions travel expenses incurred incident to preemployment interviews requested by the employing agency.

5 USC 5753 - Recruitment and relocation bonuses

(1) This section may be applied to
(A) employees covered by the General Schedule pay system established under subchapter III of chapter 53; and
(B) employees in a category approved by the Office of Personnel Management at the request of the head of an Executive agency.
(2) A bonus may not be paid under this section to an individual who is appointed to or who holds
(A) a position to which an individual is appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate;
(B) a position in the Senior Executive Service as a noncareer appointee (as such term is defined under section 3132 (a)); or
(C) a position which has been excepted from the competitive service by reason of its confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating character.
(3) In this section, the term employee has the meaning given that term in section 2105, except that such term also includes an employee described in subsection (c) of that section.
(b) The Office of Personnel Management may authorize the head of an agency to pay a bonus under this section to an individual only if
(1) the position to which such individual is appointed (as described in paragraph (2)(A)) or to which such individual moves or must relocate (as described in paragraph (2)(B)) is likely to be difficult to fill in the absence of such a bonus; and
(2) the individual
(A) is newly appointed as an employee of the Federal Government; or
(i) is currently employed by the Federal Government; and
(I) moves to a new position in the same geographic area under circumstances described in regulations of the Office; or
(II) must relocate to accept a position in a different geographic area.
(1) Payment of a bonus under this section shall be contingent upon the employee entering into a written service agreement to complete a period of employment with the agency, not longer than 4 years. The Office may, by regulation, prescribe a minimum service period for purposes of this section.
(A) The agreement shall include
(i) the commencement and termination dates of the required service period (or provisions for the determination thereof);
(ii) the amount of the bonus;
(iii) the method of payment; and
(iv) other terms and conditions under which the bonus is payable, subject to the requirements of this section and regulations of the Office.
(B) The terms and conditions for paying a bonus, as specified in the service agreement, shall include
(i) the conditions under which the agreement may be terminated before the agreed-upon service period has been completed; and
(ii) the effect of the termination.
(C) The required service period shall commence upon the commencement of service with the agency or movement to a new position or geographic area, as applicable, unless the service agreement provides for a later commencement date in circumstances and to the extent allowable under regulations of the Office, such as when there is an initial period of formal basic training.
(1) Except as provided in subsection (e), a bonus under this section shall not exceed 25 percent of the annual rate of basic pay of the employee at the beginning of the service period multiplied by the number of years (including a fractional part of a year, as determined under regulations of the Office) in the required service period of the employee involved.
(2) A bonus under this section may be paid as an initial lump sum, in installments, as a final lump sum upon the completion of the full period of service required by the agreement, or in a combination of these forms of payment.
(3) A bonus under this section is not part of the basic pay of an employee for any purpose.
(4) Under regulations of the Office, a recruitment bonus under this section may be paid to an eligible individual before that individual enters on duty.
(e) The Office may authorize the head of an agency to waive the limitation under subsection (d)(1) based on a critical agency need, subject to regulations prescribed by the Office. Under such a waiver, the maximum bonus allowable shall
(1) be equal to the maximum that would be determined if subsection (d)(1) were applied by substituting 50 for 25; but
(2) in no event exceed 100 percent of the annual rate of basic pay of the employee at the beginning of the service period.

Nothing in this subsection shall be considered to permit the waiver of any requirement under subsection (c).

(f) The Office shall require that an agency establish a plan for the payment of recruitment bonuses before paying any such bonuses, and a plan for the payment of relocation bonuses before paying any such bonuses, subject to regulations prescribed by the Office.
(g) The Office may prescribe regulations to carry out this section, including regulations relating to the repayment of a bonus under this section in appropriate circumstances when the agreed-upon service period has not been completed.

5 USC 5754 - Retention bonuses

(1) This section may be applied to
(A) employees covered by the General Schedule pay system established under subchapter III of chapter 53; and
(B) employees in a category approved by the Office of Personnel Management at the request of the head of an Executive agency.
(2) A bonus may not be paid under this section to an individual who is appointed to or who holds
(A) a position to which an individual is appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate;
(B) a position in the Senior Executive Service as a noncareer appointee (as such term is defined under section 3132 (a)); or
(C) a position which has been excepted from the competitive service by reason of its confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating character.
(3) In this section, the term employee has the meaning given that term in section 2105, except that such term also includes an employee described in subsection (c) of that section.
(b) The Office of Personnel Management may authorize the head of an agency to pay a retention bonus to an employee if
(1) the unusually high or unique qualifications of the employee or a special need of the agency for the employees services makes it essential to retain the employee; and
(2) the agency determines that, in the absence of a retention bonus, the employee would be likely to leave
(A) the Federal service; or
(B) for a different position in the Federal service under conditions described in regulations of the Office.
(c) The Office may authorize the head of an agency to pay retention bonuses to a group of employees in 1 or more categories of positions in 1 or more geographic areas, subject to the requirements of subsection (b)(1) and regulations prescribed by the Office, if there is a high risk that a significant portion of employees in the group would be likely to leave in the absence of retention bonuses.
(1) Payment of a retention bonus is contingent upon the employee entering into a written service agreement with the agency to complete a period of employment with the agency.
(A) The agreement shall include
(i) the length of the required service period;
(ii) the amount of the bonus;
(iii) the method of payment; and
(iv) other terms and conditions under which the bonus is payable, subject to the requirements of this section and regulations of the Office.
(B) The terms and conditions for paying a bonus, as specified in the service agreement, shall include
(i) the conditions under which the agreement may be terminated before the agreed-upon service period has been completed; and
(ii) the effect of the termination.
(A) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a written service agreement is not required if the agency pays a retention bonus in biweekly installments and sets the installment payment at the full bonus percentage rate established for the employee with no portion of the bonus deferred.
(B) If an agency pays a retention bonus in accordance with subparagraph (A) and makes a determination to terminate the payments, the agency shall provide written notice to the employee of that determination. Except as provided in regulations of the Office, the employee shall continue to be paid the retention bonus through the end of the pay period in which such written notice is provided.
(4) A retention bonus for an employee may not be based on any period of such service which is the basis for a recruitment or relocation bonus under section 5753.
(1) Except as provided in subsection (f), a retention bonus, which shall be stated as a percentage of the employees basic pay for the service period associated with the bonus, may not exceed
(A) 25 percent of the employees basic pay if paid under subsection (b); or
(B) 10 percent of an employees basic pay if paid under subsection (c).
(A) A retention bonus may be paid to an employee in installments after completion of specified periods of service or in a single lump sum at the end of the full period of service required by the agreement.
(B) An installment payment is derived by multiplying the amount of basic pay earned in the installment period by a percentage not to exceed the bonus percentage rate established for the employee.
(C) If the installment payment percentage established for the employee is less than the bonus percentage rate established for the employee, the accrued but unpaid portion of the bonus is payable as part of the final installment payment to the employee after completion of the full service period under the terms of the service agreement.
(D) For purposes of this paragraph, the bonus percentage rate established for an employee means the bonus percentage rate established for such employee in accordance with paragraph (1) or subsection (f), as the case may be.
(3) A retention bonus is not part of the basic pay of an employee for any purpose.
(f) Upon the request of the head of an agency, the Office may waive the limit established under subsection (e)(1) and permit the agency head to pay an otherwise eligible employee or category of employees retention bonuses of up to 50 percent of basic pay, based on a critical agency need.
(g) The Office shall require that, before paying any bonuses under this section, an agency shall establish a plan for the payment of any such bonuses, subject to regulations prescribed by the Office.
(h) The Office may prescribe regulations to carry out this section.

5 USC 5755 - Supervisory differentials

(1) The Office of Personnel Management may authorize the head of an agency to pay a differential to an employee under the General Schedule who has supervisory responsibility for 1 or more employees not under the General Schedule, if 1 or more of the subordinate employees would, in the absence of such a differential, be paid more than the supervisory employee.
(2) For the purposes of comparing the pay of a supervisory employee under the General Schedule with the pay of a subordinate employee not under the General Schedule, comparability payments under section 5304, differentials, and allowances that are not a part of basic pay may be taken into consideration, as provided by regulations of the Office.
(1) A supervisory differential, which shall be stated as a percentage of the supervisory employees rate of basic pay (excluding any comparability payments under section 5304) or as a dollar amount, may not cause the supervisory employees pay to exceed the pay of the highest paid subordinate employee by more than 3 percent.
(2) A supervisory differential may not be considered to be part of the basic pay of an employee, and the reduction or elimination of a supervisory differential may not be appealed. The preceding sentence shall not be construed to extinguish or lessen any right or remedy under subchapter II of chapter 12 or under any of the laws referred to in section 2302 (d).
(3) A supervisory differential shall be paid in the same manner and at the same time as the employees basic pay is paid.
(c) For the purpose of this section
(1) the terms agency and employee have the meanings given them by section 5102; and
(2) any reference to an employee under the General Schedule shall be considered to be a reference to any employee holding a position to which subchapter III of chapter 53 applies.
(d) The Office shall prescribe such regulations as it considers necessary for the administration of this section.

5 USC 5756 - Home marketing incentive payment

(a) Under regulations prescribed under subsection (b), an agency may pay to an employee who transfers in the interest of the Government an amount to encourage the employee to aggressively market the employees residence at the official station from which transferred when
(1) the residence is entered into a relocation services program established under a contract in accordance with section 5724c of this title to arrange for the purchase of the residence;
(2) the employee finds a buyer who completes the purchase of the residence through the program; and
(3) the sale of the residence results in a reduced cost to the Government.
(1) The Administrator of General Services shall prescribe regulations to carry out this section.
(2) The regulations shall include a limitation on the maximum amount payable with respect to an employees residence. The Administrator shall establish the limitation in consultation with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. For fiscal years 1997 and 1998, the maximum amount shall be the amount equal to five percent of the sale price of the residence.

5 USC 5757 - Payment of expenses to obtain professional credentials

(a) An agency may use appropriated funds or funds otherwise available to the agency to pay for
(1) expenses for employees to obtain professional credentials, including expenses for professional accreditation, State-imposed and professional licenses, and professional certification; and
(2) examinations to obtain such credentials.
(b) The authority under subsection (a) may not be exercised on behalf of any employee occupying or seeking to qualify for appointment to any position that is excepted from the competitive service because of the confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating character of the position.
[1] Another section 5757 is set out after this section.

5 USC 5757 - Extended assignment incentive

(a) The head of an Executive agency may pay an extended assignment incentive to an employee if
(1) the employee has completed at least 2 years of continuous service in 1 or more civil service positions located in a territory or possession of the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands;
(2) the agency determines that replacing the employee with another employee possessing the required qualifications and experience would be difficult; and
(3) the agency determines it is in the best interest of the Government to encourage the employee to complete a specified additional period of employment with the agency in the territory or possession, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, except that the total amount of service performed in a particular territory, commonwealth, or possession under 1 or more agreements established under this section may not exceed 5 years.
(b) The sum of extended assignment incentive payments for a service period may not exceed the greater of
(1) an amount equal to 25 percent of the annual rate of basic pay of the employee at the beginning of the service period, times the number of years in the service period; or
(2) $15,000 per year in the service period.
(1) Payment of an extended assignment incentive shall be contingent upon the employee entering into a written agreement with the agency specifying the period of service and other terms and conditions under which the extended assignment incentive is payable.
(2) The agreement shall set forth the method of payment, including any use of an initial lump-sum payment, installment payments, or a final lump-sum payment upon completion of the entire period of service.
(3) The agreement shall describe the conditions under which the extended assignment incentive may be canceled prior to the completion of agreed-upon service period and the effect of the cancellation. The agreement shall require that if, at the time of cancellation of the incentive, the employee has received incentive payments which exceed the amount which bears the same relationship to the total amount to be paid under the agreement as the completed service period bears to the agreed-upon service period, the employee shall repay that excess amount, at a minimum, except that an employee who is involuntarily reassigned to a position stationed outside the territory, commonwealth, or possession or involuntarily separated (not for cause on charges of misconduct, delinquency, or inefficiency) may not be required to repay any excess amounts.
(d) An agency may not put an extended assignment incentive into effect during a period in which the employee is fulfilling a recruitment or relocation bonus service agreement under section 5753 or for which an employee is receiving a retention allowance under section 5754.
(e) Extended assignment incentive payments may not be considered part of the basic pay of an employee.
(f) The Office of Personnel Management may prescribe regulations for the administration of this section, including regulations on an employees entitlement to retain or receive incentive payments when an agreement is canceled. Neither this section nor implementing regulations may impair any agencys independent authority to administratively determine compensation for a class of its employees.
[1] Another section 5757 is set out preceding this section.

5 USC 5759 - Retention and relocation bonuses for the Federal Bureau of Investigation

(a) Authority.— 
The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, after consultation with the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, may pay, on a case-by-case basis, a bonus under this section to an employee of the Bureau if
(A) the unusually high or unique qualifications of the employee or a special need of the Bureau for the employees services makes it essential to retain the employee; and
(B) the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation determines that, in the absence of such a bonus, the employee would be likely to leave
(i) the Federal service; or
(ii) for a different position in the Federal service; or
(2) the individual is transferred to a different geographic area with a higher cost of living (as determined by the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation).
(b) Service Agreement.— 
Payment of a bonus under this section is contingent upon the employee entering into a written service agreement with the Bureau to complete a period of service with the Bureau. Such agreement shall include
(1) the period of service the individual shall be required to complete in return for the bonus; and
(2) the conditions under which the agreement may be terminated before the agreed-upon service period has been completed, and the effect of the termination.
(c) Limitation on Authority.— 
A bonus paid under this section may not exceed 50 percent of the employees basic pay.
(d) Impact on Basic Pay.— 
A retention bonus is not part of the basic pay of an employee for any purpose.
(e) Termination of Authority.— 
The authority to grant bonuses under this section shall cease to be available after December 31, 2009.
[1] So in original. No section 5758 has been enacted.

5 USC 5760 - Travel and transportation allowances: transportation of family members incident to the repatriation of employees held captive

(a) Allowance for Family Members and Certain Others.— 

(1) Under uniform regulations prescribed by the heads of agencies, travel and transportation described in subsection (d) may be provided for not more than 3 family members of an employee described in subsection (b).
(2) In addition to the family members authorized to be provided travel and transportation under paragraph (1), the head of an agency may provide travel and transportation described in subsection (d) to an attendant to accompany a family member described in subsection (b) if the head of an agency determines
(A) the family member to be accompanied is unable to travel unattended because of age, physical condition, or other reason determined by the head of the agency; and
(B) no other family member who is eligible for travel and transportation under subsection (a) is able to serve as an attendant for the family member.
(3) If no family member of an employee described in subsection (b) is able to travel to the repatriation site of the employee, travel and transportation described in subsection (d) may be provided to not more than 2 persons related to and selected by the employee.
(b) Covered Employees.— 
An employee described in this subsection is an employee (as defined in section 2105 of this title) who
(1) was held captive, as determined by the head of an agency concerned; and
(2) is repatriated to a site inside or outside the United States.
(c) Eligible Family Members.— 
In this section, the term family member has the meaning given the term in section 411h (b) of title 37.
(d) Travel and Transportation Authorized.— 

(1) The transportation authorized by subsection (a) is round-trip transportation between the home of the family member (or home of the attendant or person provided transportation under paragraph (2) or (3) of subsection (a), as the case may be) and the location of the repatriation site at which the employee is located.
(2) In addition to the transportation authorized by subsection (a), the head of an agency may provide a per diem allowance or reimbursement for the actual and necessary expenses of the travel, or a combination thereof, but not to exceed the rates established for such allowances and expenses under section 404 (d) of title 37.
(3) The transportation authorized by subsection (a) may be provided by any of the means described in section 411h (d)(1) of title 37.
(4) An allowance under this subsection may be paid in advance.
(5) Reimbursement payable under this subsection may not exceed the cost of government-procured round-trip air travel.