42 USC 1973ff3 - Use of single application for all subsequent elections

(a) In general 
If a State accepts and processes an official post card form (prescribed under section 1973ff of this title) submitted by an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter for simultaneous voter registration and absentee ballot application (in accordance with section 1973ff–1 (a)(4) of this title) and the voter requests that the application be considered an application for an absentee ballot for each subsequent election for Federal office held in the State through the next 2 regularly scheduled general elections for Federal office (including any runoff elections which may occur as a result of the outcome of such general elections), the State shall provide an absentee ballot to the voter for each such subsequent election.
(b) Exception for voters changing registration 
Subsection (a) of this section shall not apply with respect to a voter registered to vote in a State for any election held after the voter notifies the State that the voter no longer wishes to be registered to vote in the State or after the State determines that the voter has registered to vote in another State.
(c) Revision of official post card form 
The Presidential designee shall revise the official post card form (prescribed under section 1973ff of this title) to enable a voter using the form to
(1) request an absentee ballot for each election for Federal office held in a State during a year; or

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(2) request an absentee ballot for only the next scheduled election for Federal office held in a State.
(d) No Effect on voter removal programs 
Nothing in this section may be construed to prevent a State from removing any voter from the rolls of registered voters in the State under any program or method permitted under section 1973gg–6 of this title.
(e) Prohibition of refusal of applications on grounds of early submission 
A State may not refuse to accept or process, with respect to any election for Federal office, any otherwise valid voter registration application or absentee ballot application (including the postcard form prescribed under section 1973ff of this title) submitted by an absent uniformed services voter during a year on the grounds that the voter submitted the application before the first date on which the State otherwise accepts or processes such applications for that year submitted by absentee voters who are not members of the uniformed services.