22 USC 2151b3 - Assistance to combat tuberculosis

(a) Findings 
Congress makes the following findings:
(1) Congress recognizes the growing international problem of tuberculosis and the impact its continued existence has on those countries that had previously largely controlled the disease.
(2) Congress further recognizes that the means exist to control and treat tuberculosis through expanded use of the DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short-course) treatment strategy, including DOTS-Plus to address multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, and adequate investment in newly created mechanisms to increase access to treatment, including the Global Tuberculosis Drug Facility established in 2001 pursuant to the Amsterdam Declaration to Stop TB and the Global Alliance for TB Drug Development.
(b) Policy 
It is a major objective of the foreign assistance program of the United States to control tuberculosis, including the detection of at least 70 percent of the cases of infectious tuberculosis, and the cure of at least 85 percent of the cases detected, not later than December 31, 2005, in those countries classified by the World Health Organization as among the highest tuberculosis burden, and not later than December 31, 2010, in all countries in which the United States Agency for International Development has established development programs.

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(c) Authorization 
To carry out this section and consistent with section 2151b (c) of this title, the President is authorized to furnish assistance, on such terms and conditions as the President may determine, for the prevention, treatment, control, and elimination of tuberculosis.
(d) Coordination 
In carrying out this section, the President shall coordinate with the World Health Organization, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, and other organizations with respect to the development and implementation of a comprehensive tuberculosis control program.
(e) Priority to DOTS coverage 
In furnishing assistance under subsection (c) of this section, the President shall give priority to activities that increase Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) coverage and treatment of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis where needed using DOTS-Plus, including funding for the Global Tuberculosis Drug Facility, the Stop Tuberculosis Partnership, and the Global Alliance for TB Drug Development. In order to meet the requirement of the preceding sentence, the President should ensure that not less than 75 percent of the amount made available to carry out this section for a fiscal year should be expended for antituberculosis drugs, supplies, direct patient services, and training in diagnosis and treatment for Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) coverage and treatment of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis using DOTS-Plus, including substantially increased funding for the Global Tuberculosis Drug Facility.
(f) Definitions 
In this section:
(1) DOTS 
The term DOTS or Directly Observed Treatment Short-course means the World Health Organization-recommended strategy for treating tuberculosis.
(2) DOTS-Plus 
The term DOTS-Plus means a comprehensive tuberculosis management strategy that is built upon and works as a supplement to the standard DOTS strategy, and which takes into account specific issues (such as use of second line anti-tuberculosis drugs) that need to be addressed in areas where there is high prevalence of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis.
(3) Global Alliance for Tuberculosis Drug Development 
The term Global Alliance for Tuberculosis Drug Development means the public-private partnership that brings together leaders in health, science, philanthropy, and private industry to devise new approaches to tuberculosis and to ensure that new medications are available and affordable in high tuberculosis burden countries and other affected countries.
(4) Global Tuberculosis Drug Facility 
The term Global Tuberculosis Drug Facility (GDF) means the new initiative of the Stop Tuberculosis Partnership to increase access to high-quality tuberculosis drugs to facilitate DOTS expansion.
(5) Stop Tuberculosis Partnership 
The term Stop Tuberculosis Partnership means the partnership of the World Health Organization, donors including the United States, high tuberculosis burden countries, multilateral agencies, and nongovernmental and technical agencies committed to short- and long-term measures required to control and eventually eliminate tuberculosis as a public health problem in the world.